How to list interfaces with Nmap. This is a very useful tip.

It is possible to list interfaces with Nmap. This is a good way to see all active network devices attached to your computer. Use the –iflist parameter as shown below to show all network interfaces on your machine. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ nmap –iflist Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2022-03-18 10:38…

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Very useful Nmap scanning tips for getting information from a host.

The nmap -A -P0 command line will scan a host and get information about the host and what is running on it. Press j whilst the scan is running to print statistics about the progress of the scan. Press it again to update it. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/home/user] └──╼ #nmap -A -P0…

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Elysium film showing real UNIX commands in a blockbuster movie.

The movie Elysium showcased some awesome UNIX shell commands. The rhost command was one, there is a more detailed show here: The nmap port scanning utility is used to port scan Matt Damon`s brain before the data is copied from his neural storage to the Elysium computer system. I…

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Linux in the movies and television. Some famous appearances.

In the television series “Heroes” a KDE desktop was spotted running the Kopete application. A screenshot below. This is a Mandriva distribution displaying part of the Kmix window and a live webcam application. We all know about the famous scene in the Matrix Reloaded where Trinity is cracking the Matrix…

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