Facebook news ban not the end of the world.

The ban on news in your Facebook feed is not the end of the world. There are countless other news websites that have news and information about what is going on in your neighborhood. So losing news on a Social Media site is a small thing. I am sure you…

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CentOS 6.8 Released

CentOS 6.8 was released this week. With a number of security and
performance updates, it provides a more stable and secure experience for CentOS
6 users.

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Ubuntu Ambience theme on ABC news. Another sighting of this free OS.

This is a sighting of Ubuntu on American ABC news in a sensationalist segment about “terrorist hackers on steroids.” They are showing the Ubuntu Ambience theme to show that all terrorist hackers use Linux. This is sensationalist journalism, like all mainstream news, but is an interesting screenshot though.

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Facebook shutdown rumor false.

The Facebook website will allegedly be shut down next year, according to the Weekly World News. If Mark Zuckerberg was having so much trouble running the popular social networking website, then he should be able to pay someone else to take over the reins and run the site. I would…

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