Neural nets can generate nice images.

The website uses AI to generate images based upon text input by a user. This can be very interesting. The picture above was created with this Neural Net. This is rather reminiscent of KDE 3.3 or KDE 4. It looks very nice. I hope this technology gets better and…

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How to install .NET 3.51 on Windows easily with Powershell.

I had problems installing .NET 3.51 on Windows 8.1, the downloaded installed kept saying that it could not access the Internet to download and install the files, which is retarded. So I put in the Windows DVD and used the command below in an Administrator Powershell session. PS C:\Windows\system32> Dism…

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Some more useful Linux commands for the desktop and server user.

This simple command allows the user to print the contents of a variable. homer@deusexmachina:~ % echo "$LOGNAME" homerhomer@deusexmachina:~ % echo "$LOGNAME" homer Use the netstat command to get information about all network connections to and from your machine. homer@deusexmachina:~ % netstat Active Internet connections Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign…

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