Another way to reset the password for a WordPress user account. This PHP script when run on a web server will allow a webmaster to reset the Administrator password for a WordPress installation. This is another good way to reset the password if you forget it. If you have access to the MySQL command line you may also use that…

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Import a WordPress database dump into MySQL easily.

Importing a WordPress database dump into MySQL is very easy, I downloaded a very old backup of my old website, and I wanted to see what was in it. So I installed MySQL and then I had to create the database. mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath;mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath; This was…

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What is a database management system?

A Database Management System is a system that allows multiple users to access, create and modify data entries in a database. The program is a multiuser application that will allow multiple users to access and change records easily, whilst maintaining the integrity of the data and also ensuring the security…

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Windows 10 bash shell unimpressive to say the least.

The much-hyped Windows 10 bash shell is quite underwhelming to say the least. This is good as an SSH client and to browse the web using Lynx, but ping and ifconfig do not work at all. I could not get the MySQL server running either. This is what I get…

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How to list the indexes in a MySQL database table.

How to list the indexes in a MySQL database table. Easily done using the show command. mysql> show index from customer; +———-+————+——————-+————–+——————–+———–+————-+———-+——–+——+————+———+—————+ | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | +———-+————+——————-+————–+——————–+———–+————-+———-+——–+——+————+———+—————+…

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using the MySQL SELECT statement to only select certain records.

We are taking another look at our database table and we are wanting to only view records that match certain criteria. This is easy with the SELECT statement. mysql> select * from operatingsystems where vendor in ("Microsoft","Mint"); +——+————————+———+———–+ | OsID | Name | Type | vendor | +——+————————+———+———–+ | 1…

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Using the MySQL SELECT statement to only show records that are a certain type.

Following on from my previous posting that covered setting up a MySQL database, here is a simple query that returns records that match a certain type. mysql> select * from operatingsystems where Type = "Windows"; +——+————-+———+———–+ | OsID | Name | Type | vendor | +——+————-+———+———–+ | 1 | Windows…

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Securing your WordPress installation with Website Defender. Securing your WordPress installation is vital, the PHP installation as well as the MySQL database need to be protected. The Website Defender website offers a free service that will scan your website and offer suggestions on how to secure your WordPress installation and any other software that you have…

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