How to have random jukebox music playing in an Arma 3 mission.

This script in the initPlayerLocal.sqf will play a continuous jukebox of music in your Arma 3 mission. This is just like in Warlords where you have continuous background music. _null = [] spawn { _musicPool = "getText (_x >> ‘name’) != ” && getNumber (_x >> ‘duration’) > 20" configClasses…

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A much better way to save audio from Youtube with youtube-dl.

Saving music from Youtube is fun. I am going to show how to save in good quality using youtube-dl by itself. This command will do it in one go. youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 This is the command in action….

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How to merge a bunch of music files together with sox.

I had a folder full of music files from a Stalker mod. But I needed to merge them together into stereo files as they were separate left and right files. Ending in _l.ogg and _r.ogg. But I managed to get this working wth help from Stackoverflow. for f in *_l.ogg;…

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Download only the audio from a video on Vimeo.

The video hosting site Vimeo works the same as Youtube, it has separate files for video and audio that are put together to play an online video. This can be downloaded easily with a script. The youtube-dl script can download only the audio from a Youtube video, and it can…

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How to best tag your music collection on Linux.

The best way to tag your music collection on Linux is with MusicBrainz Picard. This is an automatic music tagging program that will lookup music on the MusicBrainz website using acoustic matching and then automatically tag the tracks and save the processed files into a folder you specify. This works…

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The best way to have music coming from a radio in Arma 3, this really works.

This code will play music from a Radio in Arma 3. fnc_radio = compileFInal preprocessfilelinenumbers "a3\missions_f_exp\Campaign\Missions\EXP_m01.Tanoa\functions\fn_EXP_m01_radioMusic.sqf";   [radio1] call fnc_radio;fnc_radio = compileFInal preprocessfilelinenumbers "a3\missions_f_exp\Campaign\Missions\EXP_m01.Tanoa\functions\fn_EXP_m01_radioMusic.sqf"; [radio1] call fnc_radio; Just place a radio item and name it radio1, then put the code above in your initPlayerServer.sqf file. This allows a radio to…

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