How to play a Youtube video with MPV and skip to a certain section.

Playing a Youtube video with mpv is very easy, it is also possible to skip to a certain part of the video whenever you wish. Make sure that you have the latest version of Youtube-dl first. sudo curl -L -o /usr/bin/youtube-dlsudo curl -L -o /usr/bin/youtube-dl Then run this…

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How to play a movie with mpv in your terminal window.

This command will display an image in your terminal. Very useful for viewing images without using an external image viewer. mpv –no-config –pause –vo=tct –no-config –pause –vo=tct Play a movie in your terminal window with mpv. 4.4 Thu Nov 29 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ mpv –no-config –vo=tct fc4.mp44.4 Thu…

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Mess with video playback in mpv.

Play a video in the mpv player and move the video frame partly off the screen. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ mpv dvb://"SBS ONE HD(SBS)" –video-pan-y=-0.2 –video-pan-x=-0.2 This is a more extreme example. Play a video stream and only a small corner of it is visible. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ »…

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How to encode a section of a movie to a webm file with mpv.

To encode a section of a movie file to a high-quality webm file, use this simple addon for mpv. Firstly run this command to create a directory to put the lua script. mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scriptsmkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scripts Then download the required script to the directory we created. This is located…

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How to shuffle play a directory full of movies with mpv on Linux.

The mpv movie player can play a directory of movies randomly, this is useful if the user wants movies playing randomly in the background. Do it like this. mpv –shuffle /media/jason/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Movies/**mpv –shuffle /media/jason/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Movies/** This is the result, a randomly chosen movie from your collection….

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