How to save your place in a movie when exiting MPV.

Saving your place in a movie when exiting MPV is very easy, this would be very useful when watching a long film and you need to exit the player and watch some more later. Add this to the ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf file. save-position-on-quitsave-position-on-quit This will allow the player to resume playback when…

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An example of recording TV with MPV on Linux.

This is a sample command, I used this to record TV with MPV from a stream. This is quite problematic, but I managed to get this working on the example stream. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ mpv –stream-record=tv1.ts –demuxer-lavf-probe-info=yes [ffmpeg] hls demuxer: Can’t support the subtitle(uri: hdntl=exp=1607128378~acl=%2f*~data=hdntl~hmac=a731c5d7a64c0589edb0290b2e2f44e9c48f2dbb1cf2f564d3d0914ee3341922/index_7_0.m3u8) Video –vid=1 ‘bitrate…

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Play a movie from one Linux machine with MPV over a network with SSHFS.

SSH is amazing in that it can allow a user to access the resources of one machine from another over the network. But with fast gigabit Ethernet connections these days, playing movies from one machine from another is now possible. Install SSHFS on your machine. jason@jason-desktop:~/remote$ sudo apt install sshfsjason@jason-desktop:~/remote$…

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How to get DVD playback working on Ubuntu. This is very easy.

To get DVD playback working on Ubuntu, the libdvdcss library is required. This is easily installed and necessary to decode a DVD properly for playback. Install this package to prepare for installation. This also allows automated updates to the library. 4.4 Sat Feb 29 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ sudo apt install…

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Play movies with mpv and scale the output to a certain size.

The mpv media player can scale the output, just as mplayer does. This can be useful. Use this parameter to scale the video. -vf scale=960:720-vf scale=960:720 This is how this is done. This will scale the output to 960×720 pixels. 4.4 Mon Jul 08 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ mpv -vf scale=960:720…

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Listen to music in the terminal and some other nice Linux tricks.

This nice command allows streaming some nice ambient drone music in the terminal with MPV. Very nice to listen to while doing other things. mpv | sed -n "s/ icy-title: \(.*\)/\x1b[38;5;242m$(date +%T)\x1b[m | \1/p"mpv | sed -n "s/ icy-title: \(.*\)/\x1b[38;5;242m$(date +%T)\x1b[m | \1/p" Play a Youtube video audio…

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