How to save your place in a movie when exiting MPV.

Saving your place in a movie when exiting MPV is very easy, this would be very useful when watching a long film and you need to exit the player and watch some more later. Add this to the ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf file. save-position-on-quitsave-position-on-quit This will allow the player to resume playback when…

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Possible Matrix Resurrections spoilers.

Possible spoilers for the new Matrix Resurrections movie The Merovingian is from the second Matrix / and is the first Exile when the Matrix was reloaded into its third cycle and the previous four before this one. He is also aided by Smith and Agent Johnson, Smith helps the Merovingian…

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How to cut a section out of a video with ffmpeg.

Cropping a section of a video and saving it without reencoding is very simple, the example below shows how to use ffmpeg to cut out a section of video and then save it to a separate file. This example will cut out a clip starting 12 minutes into the video…

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A look at the Armageddon movie and Hollywood depictions of space travel.

On the website, there is an article about the Armageddon movie and the giant asteroid that was threatening the Earth. They calculated that the energy needed by a bomb to destroy the Asteroid would be 800 trillion terajoules — compared with the 418,000 terajoules produced by history’s most powerful blast,…

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Tron Legacy UNIX desktop usage. In the Tron legacy film trailer at 1:12, you can see a terminal displaying the output of the top(1) command, a traditional UNIX command to display the list of running processes. It is funny that the machine is only showing 9 days of uptime though, it should be longer…

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