Newt Gingritch promises moon base by 2020.

Newt Gingritch has promised a moon base for America by the year 2020. This is a bold promise by an American congressman with the country sinking into debt paying the trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war. The Republican presidential candidate has made the grandiose boast at a meeting with…

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Chinese space dominance.

The Chinese government has launched a space station module into orbit and are undeniably heading towards total dominance of space. Is this a good thing or bad? Once space is dominated by the communist countries then where will America be in this whole picture. Their economy is going downhill and…

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Dominos Pizza company planning a moon base store.

The Dominos Pizza company are planning to build a store on the moon, the Pizza Hut company delivered a pizza to the International Space Station and now Dominos wants to outdo them by constructing a dome-shaped restaurant on the moon. Construction firm Maeda Corp has come up with the design…

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