A very nice one-liner to return the Bitcoin price in USD.

This is a nice one-liner, it will return the current Bitcoin price in USD. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s usd.rate.sx/btc?T | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s usd.rate.sx/btc?T | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’ This is the script in action. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$…

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How to calculate VESA GTF modelines with the command line on Linux.

Gtf is a utility for calculating VESA GTF modes. Given the desired horizontal and vertical resolutions and refresh rate (in Hz), the parameters for a matching VESA GTF mode are printed out. Two output formats are supported: mode lines suitable for the Xorg xorg.conf(5) file, and mode parameters suitable for…

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Quad monitor wallpapers for your Linux or Windows desktop environment.

Multiwall 7680×2160 pixels wallpaper. https://i.redd.it/mop3bruh706y.jpg. Collection of sci-fi quad monitor wallpapers. These are ideal for a Linux desktop with 4 monitors. [7760×1440] Sci-fi and Landscape – Larger Collection & More user friendly resolution. Collection of high-res, (12764×3590 pixels resolution) panoramic photos. Best quality for multiple monitors. [12764×3590] Here's a few…

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Monitorix, a nice monitoring tool for Linux systems.

To install this very useful Linux monitoring tool on your Linux system, firstly add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.lst file. deb http://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu generic universedeb http://apt.izzysoft.de/ubuntu generic universe Then download the required GPG key for the apt packages. wget http://apt.izzysoft.de/izzysoft.ascwget http://apt.izzysoft.de/izzysoft.asc And then add this GPG key to apt. jason$ sudo…

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Using tcpdump to capture packets with a wireless connected computer.

Use this command to capture packets with the tcpdump command. This will output to STDOUT, but you may use redirection to divert it to a text file. [root@deusexmachina homer]# tcpdump -i wlp2s0[root@deusexmachina homer]# tcpdump -i wlp2s0 This is the output that you get when you are capturing packets. This is…

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The iftop command. A good way to keep track of network usage on Linux.

The monitoring of your network interfaces just got a little easier with the iftop command. This command will return information about a certain network interface and will allow you to see who is hogging your bandwidth. Read more here: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iftop. This is one very useful Linux command. Start it like…

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