Proximity Marketing ethics & considerations.

Ethics and considerations for mobile Bluetooth marketingPrivacy and ethics considerations for this projectCopyright and ethics policies for small business Ethics and considerations for mobile Bluetooth marketing Bluetooth marketing is used to send messages and images to a mobile device that has Bluetooth functionality switched on. There are many considerations to…

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All 44 startups that launched at Y Combinator S16 Demo Day 1

y-combinator-logo Farm drones, autonomous security guards and next-generation tampons were among the products presented at today’s Y Combinator startup accelerator Summer 2016 Demo Day 1. You can check out write-ups of all 44 below. And here are TechCrunch’s picks for “The top 7 startups from YC Demo Day 1”, plus writeups of the 48 startups that launched on Demo Day 2… Read More

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Some awesome Android or Apple wallpapers for your phone.

Sun shining through grapes on the vine: Wallpaper. Black and white brick wall wallpaper: Wallpaper. Amanita mushrooms and glowing butterflies: Wallpaper. Concrete texture 1080p: Wallpaper. Old Ford car dashboard: Wallpaper. Rocky Mountains mobile wallpaper 1080p: Wallpaper. Railroad tracks glowing in afternoon light: Wallpaper. Push for the end mobile wallpaper: Wallpaper….

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Ubuntu Linux coming to the Google Android platform.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution is coming to the Google Android hardware platform. This means that the secure and open Linux operating system will be coming to the popular Android hardware. The Google Android operating system, although it is based on Linux, has been the subject of much controversy over the…

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How to enable a mobile friendly WordPress website.

My website is now mobile enabled. I just tested this on my Nokia E72 and the website works perfectly in the mobile browser on that mobile telephone. I have also tested it in Opera Mobile and I got the same successful result. This means that my website should now work…

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Ubuntu moving into the future.

With the Ubuntu 14.04 Linux distribution confirming that Canonical are supporting tablets and smartphones, the Ubuntu Linux distribution will become a truly mobile operating system although the Unity desktop interface must go, it is a horrid desktop experience to use, there is no fast window switching and it is not…

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