Cool miscellaneous wallpapers and tips for Debian/Ubuntu.

To install some nice tiling wallpapers for Debian or Ubuntu/Mint type this command. sudo apt-get install propaganda-debiansudo apt-get install propaganda-debian This will install the lovely Propaganda wallpapers, then in KDE you will be able to use the wallpapers right away. The images are installed in /usr/share/wallpapers. Install some more themes…

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Installing gcc 4.7.0 from source on Linux Mint 12.

Install gcc from source on Linux Mint 12 After downloading the source tarball for the gcc 4.7.0 release, and unpacking the tarball, enter the source directory: cd gcc-4.7.0/cd gcc-4.7.0/ Then we need to create an empty folder under the gcc-4.7.0/ folder to perform the actual build. mkdir mintbuildmkdir mintbuild Then…

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Thoughts on Linux Mint 13 and Unity.

The Linux Mint 13 distribution will have a nicer desktop interface than the Ubuntu distribution that goes without saying; I have just loaded up Linux Mint 12 for a quick look at the Cinnamon desktop and it is very nice to use indeed, the hotspot at the top left of…

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Creating a new user on a Linux workstation with the shell.

Creating a new user with the Linux command-line is very easy, the command-line adduser command is easier to use than the useradd command and automates a lot of the steps involved in creating a new user and their home directory. The sequence shown below is the simple task of creating…

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Installing and theming enlightenment E17 on Linux Mint 12.

The enlightenment E17 desktop on Linux Mint 12 works a million times better than the Ubuntu packages did with 12.04. They were very unstable, but the Linux Mint 12 distribution is as stable as Linux should be. Even if it is a beta release as the Ubuntu distribution was, there…

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Using a Compro DVB T-300 card with Linux Mint.

I have managed to get my Compro DTV T-300 DVB tuner card to work on Linux Mint 12. This card has a S-Video input as well as a Composite video input and a combination analogue tuner and Digital TV tuner card. I am using the Me TV software available for…

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Linux Mint MATE desktop and Linux vanilla kernel compilation.

The MATE desktop used with the Linux Mint 12 distribution works a million times better than when the packages are installed on the Ubuntu distribution. The fork of the Gnome 2 code is a perfect alternative to any other desktop. The Gnome Shell desktop that is the main interface of…

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Moving to Linux Mint & Wagga Wagga flood emergency.

I have got a Linux Mint Live DVD and I am switching to that distribution as soon as possible. I am sitting in an evacuation center right now, due to the risk of flooding, the levee banks supposedly can handle 12 meters but the river peak is said to be…

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Ubuntu 12.04 Unity desktop and many annoying errors.

The Unity desktop in Ubuntu 12.04 is annoying the heck out of me at the moment. I keep getting popups that warn of errors with the Unity desktop and the associated system tray applications. A good reason to use KDE, I seem a little inflexible in my criticism of the…

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Linux Mint 12 KDE released onto the Internet!

The KDE 4.7.4 respin of the excellent Linux Mint 12 distribution has been released. The KDE desktop is a good alternative to the Gnome Shell cinnamon desktop included with the default Linux Mint 12 distribution. There are a few options when it comes to downloading this distribution. 32 bit ISO:…

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Using Linux commands to see information about your hardware.

Using the vmstat command to see which hard disk partitions are the busiest is very easy. Use the vmstat -p /dev/sda1 command and your hard disk information will be printed showing the number of reads and writes for each partition. On my Ubuntu system, the /dev/sda1 partition is the busiest….

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Some Ubuntu and Linux Mint tips and tricks.

Uncompressing rar files.Adding all files in current folder to a zip file.Mounting an improperly shut down Windows XP installation with Knoppix 6.4 Linux.Reading just the start or ending of a file.Some useful bash aliases. Apt errors. To deal with the message you get sometimes telling you that some packages have…

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