Another selection of very nice Linux Mint MATE themes. Gnomish Grey. An excellent GTK 3.0 theme. Zukini. This is another very cool GTK 3.0 theme. This may not work with Gnome Shell 3.5, so if you are running Ubuntu 12.10, you are out of luck. But it also includes a theme for the Awesome Window manager, so…

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Installing GNU Grub 2.00 on Linux Mint 13 Maya.

The new GNU Grub 2.00 has just been released with all new features and here is how to install it. Firstly, download the tarball from this mailing list post. After unpacking the tarball, cd into the folder and type: ./configure –prefix=/usr./configure –prefix=/usr to run the configure script. You will…

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Re-installing the Grand Unified Boot loader (GRUB2) in Linux Mint 13.

I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my computer, triple-booting with Linux Mint 12 and Linux Mint 13, this overwrote my boot-loader for my Linux Mint 13 installation. Therefore, after booting into my Linux Mint 13 distribution I re-installed the boot-loader using the command-line. Using the grub-install command to re-install the…

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Using the Linux rename command and other useful commands for Linux Mint 13.

The rename command for the Linux shell allows you to rename a directory full of files en-mass. This first example, based on the examples in the rename manual page. Firstly renaming a directory full of xhtml files to the html extension. rename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtmlrename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtml And renaming a folder…

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Best window managers for a Linux desktop user. There is an interesting discussion in five parts that is discussing what window manager is the best for your Linux desktop. I am using KDE 4.8.3 with the Metacity window manager. I got sick of using Compiz and I prefer the Metacity window manager instead. KDE 4.8.3 on Linux…

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Gimp 2.8 available for Linux Mint 13 users. Single window mode better than ever.

The Gimp 2.8 is now available for users of the Linux Mint 13 distribution. I used the tips here: to install the Gimp packages and get it working. I had to uninstall the Gimp with this command: sudo apt-get purge Gimp* Then add the appropriate ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp…

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APT problems with Linux Mint 12. Is down?

I am having trouble accessing the APT repository at, I found out that if I changed it to I could access the repository again. This is very annoying though. You would expect to be able to access the repositories when ever you need to. But it works just…

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KMS support coming for FreeBSD 10 and Ubuntu desktop.

Linux Mint and the Unity desktop are compatible, but the Unity interface is prone to freezing and it is nowhere as fast as the KDE 4.7.4 desktop that is a far superior interface that is more useful, you can use the KDE desktop just like the familiar Windows desktop that…

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