A look at the new Linux Mint 16 MATE desktop.

The new Linux Mint 16 MATE desktop is better than ever, I am running it in VMware and it runs like a dream. It is based on the 3.11 Linux kernel and uses the same desktop theme and layout as the previous releases. But this is a good thing. The…

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More awesome wallpapers for your Windows or Linux desktop.

Some beautiful green hills. This is a very attractive wallpaper. A field of Canola with trees in the distance. A lovely Autumn scene. A gorgeous sunset scene with red lighting and misty mountains. A nice HD Simpsons wallpaper. A pier on the ocean with a lovely long exposure and beautiful…

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How to fix problems with the apt-get command when installing packages.

Sometimes when you are using the apt-get command to install updates you can get errors when installing a deb package. This is easily remedied by using the -f parameter to the apt-get install command. Use it like this: homer@lollinux-machina:~$ sudo apt-get -f installhomer@lollinux-machina:~$ sudo apt-get -f install This will run…

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Linux Mint 16 final is now available for download.

The final ISO images for the Linux Mint 16 distribution have been released. This is based upon Linux kernel 3.11, and brings many improvements in terms of software and usability. The animated HTML5 login screens should still be there as well as new versions of the packages. This release is…

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Lovecraftian and apocalyptic artwork for your Linux desktop.

A dual screen artwork depicting Shub Niggurath: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3914/lovecraft1.jpg. An apocalyptic image that features the Louvre in an apocalyptic world: http://emerdelac.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/john_martin_le_pandemonium_louvre.jpg. Cthulhu Mad geometry Rlyeh wallpaper: download. Apocalyptic Brooklyn bridge wallpaper: http://www.wallpaperup.com/wallpapers/download/12365. Another very cool apocalyptic fantasy wallpaper: http://www.wallpaperup.com/wallpapers/download/25609. This one could be a post-post apocalypse wallpaper that depicts a possible…

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Awesome Gnome/MATE Motif theme. Make your MATE desktop look like CDE.

This theme for Gnome or MATE desktops will theme your GTK applications to look like the old CDE desktop: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GTK2-notif2?content=18886. Get this one if you want a classic look for your desktop. Download this theme here: https://dl.opendesktop.org/api/files/download/id/1460763624/18886-GTK2-notif2.tar.gz.

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How to install the Ubuntu Unity desktop in Linux Mint 15.

How you can install the Ubuntu Unity desktop on your Linux Mint 15 system. use this command to install the Lightdm login manager; the Unity desktop and other assorted paraphernalia that goes with it. I just did this today with Mint and this worked. You need the ubuntu-desktop package installed…

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Installing Windows Server 2012 in Virtualbox on Linux Mint 15.

How to setup Windows Server 2012 in Virtualbox. I have just installed Windows Server 2012 in Virtualbox to experiment with and this works very well with the Virtualbox Guest Additions installed. Firstly, type this command to install the required software. homer@eren-titan /usr/share/virtualbox $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-isohomer@eren-titan /usr/share/virtualbox $…

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A useful Pulseaudio application for your Linux desktop.

I was using the Xfce4 desktop and I needed a Pulseaudio mixer application. This one is just fine. I am using a desktop that did not come with a Pulseaudio mixer by default and I found out that the pavucontrol is a perfect application for controlling audio. Type this command…

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How to install µTorrent Server on Linux Mint 15.

This is a relatively painless process if you follow this tutorial. Note that I am using a 64bit operating system. First off; download the µtorrent client here: http://www.utorrent.com/downloads/linux. If it is in the ~/Downloads folder then type: tar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gztar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gz Install the required libssl component. sudo apt-get install…

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Cool new themes for the Ubuntu and Linux Mint desktops.

These themes that you can download from OMGUbuntu.co.uk theme the toolbars in Nautilus and make it much more attractive. These are very good themes to use with the MATE desktop as well. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/08/how-to-unify-the-look-of-the-toolbars-in-ambiance-and-radiance. http://www.fandigital.com/p/zoncolor.html. Zoncolor themes for Ubuntu and MATE. These are very customisable themes for your Linux desktop. Ubuntu…

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