How to fix the incorrect time in Linux Mint Debian Edition.

The time in Linux Mint Debian Edition can be wrong compared to your Windows installation; this is easily fixed though. Open the /etc/adjtime file in VIM. vim /etc/adjtimevim /etc/adjtime Then change the last line from UTC to LOCAL as shown below. deusexmachina ~ # cat /etc/adjtime 0.014261 1405441104 0.000000 1405441104…

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How to review package installation logs on Linux Mint Debian Edition.

The cat /var/log/apt/term.log command will allow you to retrieve information about a package installation; you may then review the installation process and see if anything went wrong during the installation process. In the example below, I am reviewing an installation of Midnight Commander. jason@darkstar:~$ cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep mc Selecting…

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How to compile a 3.15 kernel on Linux the easy way using the command line.

Compiling a kernel on Linux is very easy using the command line. You may download the latest mainline kernel from This is 3.15. Extract the file using this command. tar -xvf linux-3.15.tar.xztar -xvf linux-3.15.tar.xz Clean the source tree using this command. make mrpropermake mrproper Then open the configuration menus…

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Linux Mint 17 RC now available. Download it with these direct links.

Linux Mint 17 is now available. Download this new Linux release from this handy mirror site. 64 bit ISO 1.3 Gigabytes: 32 bit ISO 1.3 Gigabytes: This new Linux distribution has all the same features that Linux Mint 16 had, but with all new software. I am…

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Some miscellaneous Linux commands for the desktop user.

Find all files larger than 1 megabyte in a directory. find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size +1M -printf "%f:%s\n" | sort -t":" -k2find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size +1M -printf "%f:%s\n" | sort -t":" -k2 Search a file for a certain string. grep "hello" my.txtgrep "hello" my.txt Get…

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A recording of my Linux Mint 16 MATE desktop.

How I recorded this video. avconv -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1920×1080 -i :0.0 -vcodec libvpx -b:v 1M output.webmavconv -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1920×1080 -i :0.0 -vcodec libvpx -b:v 1M output.webm Use this command to install avconv. sudo apt-get install libav-toolssudo apt-get install libav-tools This is a very good…

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How to open a rar file with the Linux command line. This is very easy.

The unrar command for Linux takes care of opening rar files. Firstly, install the command with the yum install unrar command. [root@localhost Downloads]# yum install unrar[root@localhost Downloads]# yum install unrar Or this way on a Debian GNU/Linux system. [user@debian ~]$ sudo apt-get install unrar[user@debian ~]$ sudo apt-get install unrar Then…

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The best GTK themes and wallpapers for your Ubuntu or Linux Mint desktop.

GTK Themes. Zukitwo: A very good GTK theme for Gnome Shell and MATE. DeLorean-Dark — Gnome 3.4 & 3.6:–+Gnome+3.4+%26+3.6?content=153866. DarkMint: Piratunbu theme 6.0: A pirate themed look for Ubuntu. reNIX (for Unity and GS): A squared theme for Unity and Gnome Shell. Win2-7 Remix:….

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Linux storing passwords in plain text. Here is the truth of the matter.

The NetworkManager daemon on Linux does store WIFI passwords in plain text, but you need root access to read the files. Here is a sample WIFI connection file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. homer@deusexmachina /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections $ sudo cat PIZZACATSWIFI [connection] id=PIZZACATSWIFI uuid=f4f0260d-ca5e-4b86-808d-3dce65fa80cf type=802-11-wireless   [802-11-wireless] ssid=PIZZACATSWIFI mode=infrastructure mac-address=4C:0F:6E:5D:E1:25 security=802-11-wireless-security   [802-11-wireless-security] key-mgmt=wpa-psk auth-alg=open…

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A short GIF showing how to change wallpapers and themes in Linux Mint 16.

I recorded this by installing the byzanz command. This is installable in Linux Mint 16 by following this guide. Then type: byzanz my.gif -d 60byzanz my.gif -d 60 to record for 60 seconds. This is another good way to make a simple screen recording.

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Useful Linux commands and tips for beginners.

Useful tips and commands for absolute Linux beginners. The Linux command line has many useful commands that are useful for managing files and installing software. I will cover a few in this post. cp. This command is used to copy a file from one location to the other. For example:…

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