MATE weather applet on Ubuntu 18.04 not working. This is how to fix it.

The MATE weather applet on Ubuntu 18.04 was not working on my Ubuntu 18.04 installation. This is how I fixed it with a simple patch. sudo sed -i ‘s||\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0|’ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ sed -i ‘s||\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0|’ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ The patch above will fix the libmateweather library. Then the applet will work. Log out and…

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Some very old but still useful tips for Linux users.

Run the urxvt terminal as a transparent colored terminal window. This is very useful indeed. urxvt -fn "fixed" +sr +st -fg "#FFFFFF" -bg "#000033" -bd "#302c64" \ -ip +sb -title "*-Home-${HOME}-Shell-${SHELL}-Display-${DISPLAY}*" \ -tint DarkSlateGrey -fade 50 -fadecolor redurxvt -fn "fixed" +sr +st -fg "#FFFFFF" -bg "#000033" -bd "#302c64" \ -ip…

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Make the Cinnamon desktop look like Windows 10.

The Cinnamon desktop on Linux is very themeable, I will show you how to install a nice Windows 10 theme on Linux. There is a nice theme available here: Download the Windows 10 icons here: Install the main theme under your ~/.themes directory, then select it in your…

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List all drives on your system that are actually mounted.

How to list all drives on your Linux computer that are actually mounted. The findmnt utility can do this for you. It prints a tree listing of all mounted partitions on your Linux machine. The output below is an example. 4.4 Wed Feb 13 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ findmnt TARGET SOURCE…

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How to install a lovely Windows 7 GTK theme on Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

A lovely GTK theme that emulates the look of Windows 7. I have just found a very good Windows 7 GTK theme: This is a lovely GTK theme that makes your MATE or Gnome 2.32.2 interface look just like the Windows 7 Basic theme. Windows Vista icon theme:….

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Manage your user settings easily on Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

Managing your user account on Ubuntu or Linux Mint is very easy with the GUI utilities provided. Under System->Administration->Users and Groups, you have the option to create new user accounts, or modify existing ones. This is the window above, it is ready for the creation of new user accounts. Click…

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How to find saved WIFI passwords in Ubuntu easily.

To find all the saved WIFI passwords and Ethernet connection information on your Linux desktop or laptop, navigate to this directory. /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections Here are the connections on my laptop. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections] └──╼ #ls -hula total 20K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 24 13:36 . drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Aug…

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How to use the tweak tool to customise the Linux Mint MATE desktop.

MATE tweak tool for fixing the MINT desktop The MATE tweak tool is used to easily tweak the Linux Mint MATE desktop. Install this easily with the command below. jason@jason-virtual-machine ~ $ sudo apt install mate-tweakjason@jason-virtual-machine ~ $ sudo apt install mate-tweak Now we can tweak our desktop. Here, this…

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Get to runlevel 3 in Linux Mint 18.1

To get to runlevel 3 in Linux Mint, press the Control-Alt-F2 key combination and login at the virtual terminal, then run this command to shut down the login manager. sudo service mdm stopsudo service mdm stop Then you may use the Linux Mint virtual terminal instead of the desktop if…

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