How to install Microsoft Edge on Ubuntu or Mint.

You can install the Microsoft Edge DEV version on Ubuntu now. This is very easy. Download the package with this command. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Documents/Microsoft] └──╼ ╼ $ curl -o edge.deb┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Documents/Microsoft] └──╼ ╼ $ curl -o edge.deb Then install the package easily. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Documents/Microsoft] └──╼ ╼ $ sudo dpkg -i edge.deb [sudo]…

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Windows 10 KB4532693 update causing headaches for users.

Reports are increasing across Twitter and Microsoft forums that following the most recent Patch Tuesday update (KB4532693), users are complaining that their profiles and desktop files are missing, and that custom icons and wallpaper have all been reset to their default state. The KB4532693 update is allegedly causing much more…

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Desktop environments of old were quite sleek and usable.

The desktop environments of old were very fast and sleek. The operating systems as a whole, with the old INIT systems, would load very fast indeed. What has gone wrong with Linux? The introduction of Systemd has slowed systems down. That is a shame. they used to load quite a…

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Microsoft Windows 10 updates still an embarrassment.

Microsoft have been plagued by many issues regarding the quality control and testing within the organisation. The main problem is that there are different testing teams for each section of the operating system, and this has lead to problems slipping through the cracks into mainstream releases. This has caused a…

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Microsoft to add exFAT support to Linux kernel.

Microsoft Corporation are intending to add code to the Linux kernel to support exFAT. This would allow better support for exFAT storage devices without using proprietary Linux kernel modules. This is very good news, if only Nvidia would supply open source drivers for their hardware, then using it would be…

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Microsoft developing a custom Linux kernel to power azure.

Microsoft corporation is developing a custom Linux kernel, that is intended to power their Azure Sphere security framework. This is a great step for the software giant, that has formerly opposed free software and even Google. Now they are embracing Github and Linux. This is only a kernel; not an…

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Bashing Microsoft ‘like kicking a puppy’.

Microsoft used to be the top dog in the field of operating systems with their Windows releases that made computers easier to use than ever before. But nowadays, with Linux taking over on the embedded operating system front and Ubuntu becoming even more popular and the Google Android OS taking…

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Xbox Kinect technology to control computers?

The Xbox Kinect technology is being released for use on Windows. I do not see how this technology will be useful on a PC, waving your arms in front of a computer screen to control your computer would get tiring very quickly. This technology is not exclusive to the Xbox,…

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Microsoft redeveloping OLE?

Microsoft is developing a new way for applications to communicate with each other and share files such as images or sound betwixt programs such as a photo editor or a sound editing application. A URL for instance can be automatically sent to Facebook or Twitter without the need to actually…

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Windows 8 copy and move operations to be overhauled.

This HTML5 video isn’t supported in your browser. If you don’t see a video here or can’t play it, download it here: High quality MP4 | Low quality MP4 The copy and move operations in Windows are to be repaired, previously in Windows the copy and move operations were quite…

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Facebook rolling out Skype video chat.

The largest social networking website on the planet, Facebook will introduce Skype video chat into its social networking service that will enable the 750 million users of the popular website to connect with friends via video and not just with the wall posts and the pokes that have been the…

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Microsoft putting backdoors in Skype.

Are you still wanting to use Skype now? Even after this sorry tale has surfaced, telling of Microsoft cuddling up to the Homeland Security department and putting a legal back-door in Skype allowing the government to listen to all voice traffic through the Skype system. You should never use Skype…

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Windows 1.0 in Virtual PC. A look at Windows 1.0 and the new features it offered. [] This is an interesting article where someone has gotten Windows 1.0 installed in a Virtual Machine on a modern Windows machine and taken a look at the applications that were shipped with the release of this ancient operating system. Now this is a blast from the past, Windows…

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