How to create a nice CBA Rose menu in Arma 3.

Creating a nice CBA Rose Menu is very useful in Arma 3. You may only need to press one button and this can open a menu that has multiple options. This requires the CBA mod for Arma 3, but it is an awesome looking feature for this mod. A very…

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How to have less padding in the menu area of Firefox 92.

This userChrome.css sample will reduce the padding betwixt menu sections in the Firefox 92 User Interface. userChrome.css1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /* Do not remove the @namespace line — it’s required for correct functioning */ /*@namespace url("");*/   @media (-moz-proton) { /* Tighten…

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Install a nice custom desktop theme for Ubuntu 20.04.

There are a few very useful Linux packages for Ubuntu 20.04. They can make your desktop look incredible. Install these packages like this. jason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu gnome-shell-extension-weatherjason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu gnome-shell-extension-weather Then enable the extensions with gnome-tweak. This is what my Gnome 3 desktop looks…

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Evolution of operating system menus from early Gnome to Gnome Shell.

The early Gnome desktop is quite interesting, it had a Windows styled menu with a easy to use taskbar. Source: This is the old Gnome 1.0 configuration application. Very dated indeed, this is when they had Enlightenment as the Window Manager of Gnome. Although you could use Sawfish…

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How to add a custom menu to Fluxbox to list your favorite applications.

Adding a custom menu to Fluxbox is very easy, this is how. The default ~/.fluxbox/fluxbox-menu file looks like this, it reads the /etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu file to create the root menu for Fluxbox. [begin] (fluxbox)   [include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu) [end][begin] (fluxbox) [include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu) [end] But if you add a simple submenu to it…

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Cool C programs and some very useful code snippets to make programming even more fun.

A very obfuscated C program. typedef unsigned char t;t*F="%c",l[]="|\\/=_ \n](.\0(),*(.(=(}*.)[[*.",N=’\n’,* r;typedef(*H)();extern H Ar;Q(a){return(a|-a)>>31;}H S(c,a){return(H)(a&~c|(int )Ar&c);}extern t*ist;V(t*u){*u^=*u&2^(*u>>7)*185;}Z(t*u,t n){*u-=n;}e(t c,H h){ R(h,Q(* r^c));} I(){r=l +7-4*Q( getchar ()^*l); }R(H h, int c){Ar=S (c,h);- main() ;}P(){r ++;}z() { O(&N);} O(t*c){ printf( F,+*c); }T(){r= "This is not a function\n" ;}w(U){ U=Z(r,8 ); r-=~Q(* r/8-4); return…

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Re-installing the Grand Unified Boot loader (GRUB2) in Linux Mint 13.

I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my computer, triple-booting with Linux Mint 12 and Linux Mint 13, this overwrote my boot-loader for my Linux Mint 13 installation. Therefore, after booting into my Linux Mint 13 distribution I re-installed the boot-loader using the command-line. Using the grub-install command to re-install the…

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New Windows 8 interface and getting the start menu back.

This is what the new copy dialog looks like on Windows 8. The actual process of copying this amount of data over a USB 3.0 connection was actually very fast, the previous versions of Windows were slower at copying data, but now it is getting faster. And I was copying…

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