Install the MATE desktop on Ubuntu and enjoy a nice reliable desktop environment.

To install the MATE desktop environment on Ubuntu 20.04, run this simple command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-common mate-desktop-environmentjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-common mate-desktop-environment Then you need to logout of the desktop session and restart the desktop login manager to allow it to detect MATE. Press Control-Alt-F2 and…

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Very nice Windows 7 basic aero theme for Linux GTK apps.

This theme I found is a very nice GTK theme for your Linux machine. This themes your desktop computer to look like Windows 7 basic. With a non-transparent Windows 7 styled GTK look and Window borders. Download the theme here. This is what this theme looks like. It is…

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MATE weather applet on Ubuntu 18.04 not working. This is how to fix it.

The MATE weather applet on Ubuntu 18.04 was not working on my Ubuntu 18.04 installation. This is how I fixed it with a simple patch. sudo sed -i ‘s||\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0|’ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ sed -i ‘s||\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0|’ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ The patch above will fix the libmateweather library. Then the applet will work. Log out and…

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Set a very nice Linux shell prompt and very useful aliases.

This addition to your .bashrc file will give you a very nice shell prompt and colorful output of the ls command. This looks very stylish indeed. # set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below) if [ -z "${debian_chroot:-}" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ];…

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Make Ubuntu Linux look like Macintosh OSX.

Making Ubuntu look like Macintosh OSX is very simple, this theme I found is a very good recreation of the OSX Aqua theme. Download the theme like this. git clone clone Then copy the OS-X-Leopard-master directory to your ~/.themes folder and use the preferences dialog in the MATE…

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How to create thumbnails of dds files in Ubuntu or Mint.

Thumbnailing for the DirectDraw Surface file format is not supported in Linux with the Caja file manager, but this is easy to fix. The /usr/share/thumbnailers/ directory contains all of the thumbnailer files that automatically create thumbnails in the file manager for Caja. Just create a file named dds.thumbnailer and put…

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Make the Linux MATE desktop look just like Mac OSX.

There is a new theme set available on Gnome Look. This makes Linux look just like Macintosh OSX High Sierra. It is very high quality and well worth installing. The GTK3 theme: Icon theme: Cursor theme: A couple of Mac OSX wallpapers: Unpack the GTK theme…

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Make XfCE 4 look like a SGI O2 workstation.

Make your XFCE desktop look as close as possible to an old IRIX machine. SGI Screen Fonts Xfwm4 theme that is based on the window manager for SGI OS. SGI-IMD Metacity theme. This also works with MATE. SGI Irix cursor theme. This works with any window manager….

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