Change management systems are necessary in the modern world.

Information technology systems are often large and complex. With this size and complexity comes a growing risk of problems and faults that can affect user productivity. Users have high expectations of live systems such as file servers, web servers, databases etc. Although users generally accept that problems and faults can…

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What is a database management system?

A Database Management System is a system that allows multiple users to access, create and modify data entries in a database. The program is a multiuser application that will allow multiple users to access and change records easily, whilst maintaining the integrity of the data and also ensuring the security…

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Adding an IP address to the management interface for a Cisco switch.

Adding an IP address to the management interface of a Cisco switch allows connection over an Ethernet connection to manage the switch configuration. Firstly, switch to privileged exec mode. tyrion>en tyrion#tyrion>en tyrion# Then enter the configure terminal command to configure terminal settings. tyrion#configure terminaltyrion#configure terminal Now we are configuring settings…

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IT security management very critical in these dangerous times.

With the many security issues that many businesses are dealing with these days, a managed security plan is vital to make sure that private company information is not leaked by malicious software and viruses. The services of  managed IT services Melbourne can ensure that your business can run smoothly and…

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Killing a running task in Windows 7.

Killing a running task UNIX style in Windows 7 is very easy indeed, the tasklist command makes this just as easy as it is in UNIX/Linux.Just type tasklist in the command prompt and it will display a list of running processes. Then look for the PID of the process you…

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