How to encode a section of a movie to a webm file with mpv.

To encode a section of a movie file to a high-quality webm file, use this simple addon for mpv. Firstly run this command to create a directory to put the lua script. mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scriptsmkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scripts Then download the required script to the directory we created. This is located…

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Lovely webm I made with ffmpeg.

I made this webm using ffmpeg. Firstly, I ripped a section of video. ffmpeg -i starwars.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:19:23 -to 00:19:33 out.mkvffmpeg -i starwars.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:19:23 -to 00:19:33 out.mkv Then I did the first pass of two pass encoding. ffmpeg -i out.mkv -c:v…

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How to install a program in Linux that comes as a tar.gz file.

Sometimes you will encounter a program that you have downloaded that comes as a compressed tar.gz file. This is a tar file that is compressed with the gzip program to compress the contents. This usually contains C or C++ source code and the requirements to easily compile the program. Firstly…

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