Get information about the routing table on a mac computer.

This simple command will print the routing table from a Mac computer. deusexmachina:~ jason$ netstat -nr Routing tables   Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire default UGSc 69 0 en0 127 UCS 0 0 lo0 UH 2 120 lo0 169.254 link#4 UCS 0 0…

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How to list the password files on a Macintosh OSX Sierra computer.

Get ahold of the Mac OSX Sierra password files This is how to list the password files on a Macintosh machine, but the folder is only readable by the superuser. deusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo ls -l /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/usersdeusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo ls -l /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users This will return a listing of many files that…

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The origins of the Gnome Nautilus file manager.

The file manager on the old Macintosh Operating System looks just like the Gnome Nautilus file manager on Linux. I was using my brother’s iMac today and I was amazed at how much a very old version of Macintosh OS looks just like Gnome. The Macintosh operating system is better…

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Steve Jobs passes away.

The leader of the Apple corporation, Steve Jobs has passed away, leaving a huge legacy. The company he co-founded with his 26 year old friend Steve Wozniak in his family garage has grown to become a world famous corporation with many incredible products such as the Apple Ipod, Itunes and…

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Steve Jobs leaving quite a legacy.

After co-founding Apple computers corporation in 1976, Steve Jobs he helped create the whole personal computer revolution and enable homes and schools to have simple and easy to use computers that revolutionized the world of education and home businesses. In the year of 1984, he once again revolutionized the world…

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