The proper way to install Midnight Commander on MacOSX.

There are a lot of posts out there that purport to contain the answer on how to properly install Home Brew on MacOSX and then install Midnight Commander, but a lot of the posts contain commands that give errors. This is how to do it properly. Run this command in…

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How to get Mac OS to read the .bashrc file on every login.

By default, Macintosh OSX does not read the .bashrc file when you login to the operating system. But it does read the .bash_profile script if it does exist. Therefore, create the .bash_profile in your home directory and put this in it. if [ -s ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fiif…

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Make Ubuntu Linux look like Macintosh OSX.

Making Ubuntu look like Macintosh OSX is very simple, this theme I found is a very good recreation of the OSX Aqua theme. Download the theme like this. git clone clone Then copy the OS-X-Leopard-master directory to your ~/.themes folder and use the preferences dialog in the MATE…

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How to open AVCHD files on Mac and export clips.

When you are faced with a AVCHD file on Mac, it can be confusing on how to export the clips to separate files, but this is easy. Open the file in Quicktime player, as shown above, then select the clip you wish to view, and it will open the selected…

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New Macintosh PC is very controversial. Top spec is 35,000 dollars?

The new Macintosh machine is a very controversial beast. This is a very high specced machine for movie makers and other content creators. The GPUs use proprietary pci connectors to power them directly from the motherboard. This is actually a very good idea. I wish they could invent room temperature…

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Just upgraded to OSX Mojave.

I have just upgraded a Macbook to OSX Mojave. This was very painless, and did not take very long at all. Upgrading a Macintosh machine is much easier than upgrading Windows 10, with all of the hassles and file deletion issues involved in that process. After the installation process, I…

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Get information about your Macintosh machine using the command line.

Get the current status of your battery with this command. deusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo systemstats | grep "Battery Power" Battery Power: -8095 mW (-15.5 %/hr) Battery Power: -8034 mW (-15.6 %/hr) Battery Power: -6774 mW (-13.3 %/hr) Battery Power: -8080 mW (-15.3 %/hr) Battery Power: -7866 mW (-15.3 %/hr)deusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo…

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Nice commands on Macintosh to keep track of network usage.

The Mac OSX operating system has a lot of very useful commands for keeping track of network usage. Here is a very nice one. The nettop command. As you can see, this shows a constantly updating display of network usage on Mac. This is very useful for watching network throughput…

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Get nice system information on Macintosh OS with the command line.

Get information about apps installed on your Macintosh PC with the lsappinfo command. Use grep as shown below to find out information about a certain app, i.e Firefox in this case. deusexmachina:~ jason$ lsappinfo | grep Firefox 24) "Firefox" ASN:0x0-0x2a02a: bundle path="/Applications/" executable path="/Applications/" 26) "FirefoxCP WebExtensions" ASN:0x0-0x2c02c: bundle path="/Applications/"…

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Make the Linux MATE desktop look just like Mac OSX.

There is a new theme set available on Gnome Look. This makes Linux look just like Macintosh OSX High Sierra. It is very high quality and well worth installing. The GTK3 theme: Icon theme: Cursor theme: A couple of Mac OSX wallpapers: Unpack the GTK theme…

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