Some obscure but very useful Linux commands for any user.

To view the contents of an ISO  image, the isoinfo command for Linux will come in very useful indeed. Just type isoinfo -f -i myiso.iso to view the contents of the ISO image as shown in this example. C:\MEDIA\ELEMENTS\FILES\ISOS> isoinfo -f -i linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-64bit.iso /BOOT /CASPER /EFI /ISOLINUX /MD5SUM.TXT;1 /PRESEED /_DISK…

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Very useful .cshrc file that will also work with the tcsh shell.

Very useful .cshrc file that will also work with the tcsh shell on Linux and UNIX. This gives you a nice prompt and a lovely colored ls output. This .cshrc file requires a .complete file for proper functioning, this is available here: # /etc/csh.login: This file contains login defaults…

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