Get information about running services with Systemd on Ubuntu.

The Systemd framework in Ubuntu may be used to get good information about running services on your machine. This is very easy. To list all active services on your Ubuntu machine, use this command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ systemctl list-units –type=service –state=activejason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ systemctl list-units –type=service –state=active Or this command which is a fast…

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How to cat a gzipped logfile with gunzip properly.

The gunzip utility can uncompress logfiles that are gzipped in archives, but this is not needed. To read a logfile that is gzipped, you can also use this command to print the contents to a terminal and not bother uncompressing the file. This allows reading log files in /var/log without…

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How to review package installation logs on Linux Mint Debian Edition.

The cat /var/log/apt/term.log command will allow you to retrieve information about a package installation; you may then review the installation process and see if anything went wrong during the installation process. In the example below, I am reviewing an installation of Midnight Commander. jason@darkstar:~$ cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep mc Selecting…

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