How to list all password login failures in Ubuntu 20.04.

Users that try and fail to log in to your system leave a record in the system logs. This is how to find out what time this was and which user they attempted to log in as. The /var/log/auth.log file is the one that contains the login records. All successful…

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How to get information about logins on your Linux system.

Reading information about logins on a Linux system is very useful when you are running a Linux machine. The last command will print information about the last logins on a Linux system. ubuntu ~ $ last ubuntu pts/0 ip-10-8-0-6.ap-s Sun Apr 19 10:25 still logged in   wtmp begins Sun…

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Count how many times users have successfully logged into your Linux machine.

This command will display a count of successful logins to your Linux machine. jason-H55-USB3% grep ‘session opened’ /var/log/auth.log | wc -l 67jason-H55-USB3% grep ‘session opened’ /var/log/auth.log | wc -l 67 This will display a count of failed login attempts to your Linux machine. jason-H55-USB3% grep ‘FAILED LOGIN’ /var/log/auth.log | wc…

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