How to re-install the GRUB 2 boot-loader on Fedora Core Linux with the command line.

To re-install the bootloader for Fedora Core 19; you must first load into your Linux installation with a chroot. This post will explain this process. Then, once you are in the chroot environment, the following commands will re-install GRUB for you. root@neo homer# grub2-install /dev/sda Installation finished. No error…

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Google Cloud Shell is very nice but has some defects.

The Google Cloud Shell is a very nice feature of Google services, but it has no process limit and the root account is accessible. Just use sudo and you may access the root account and then wreak havoc upon the system. Having a Linux shell account online is very useful…

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New Jxl image format to take over the Internet.

The new successor to the jpeg image format is called jxl, this allows much higher compression than Jpeg and would be awesome for websites with a lot of images. I found a nice resolution png image and I converted it to webp. This gave me a 55 kilobyte image, compressed…

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Sample Linux password files and how they work.

The /etc/passwd file contains each user, one on each line. And the user ID number, then the home directory and the shell used by that user. /etc/passwd1 2 3 4 5 sifiso:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ info:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ sales:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ admin:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ siphiwos:x:1794:1790::/home/commitec/mail/ info:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ sales:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ admin:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ siphiwos:x:1794:1790::/home/commitec/mail/ Then the /etc/shadow file contains the username again, then the…

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New root exploit found for Linux machines.

A new Linux exploit has been found for Linux machines. This involves the FUSE filesystem framework and can crash Systemd after executing a program as a normal user. This is CVE-2021-33910, Denial of service (stack exhaustion) in Systemd (PID 1). More information about this exploit may be found here:….

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Performing forensics on files with Linux.

There are many ways to find files embedded inside other files, one way is using binwalk to find embedded files inside another file. This is how to use binwalk to list all embedded files inside a larger one. This takes a while with a multi-gigabyte file, but it does work….

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Power issues that can affect your computer.

Power Surges Power Surges can be caused by many things, but they can have quite an effect on your computer hardware. The surges in current can damage your hardware and cause loss of data. The best defence against this threat is to have a surge protector plugged into the wall…

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Some very useful Linux commands for new users.

There are many useful Linux commands that are very useful when navigating your new Linux system. Checking disk space or deleting files is very easily done with the command line. To get a basic introduction to the Linux command line, use the man intro command. This gives a basic rundown…

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How to have a much wider scrollbars in Firefox on Debian.

The scrollbars on Firefox are very narrow and annoying, but this may be fixed. This is how to get wider scrollbars in Firefox when using Linux. The best way is to edit the about:config and then look for this entry. widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-sizewidget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-size Change this to 1.50 and this makes the scrollbar…

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A very nice LaTeX document template.

This is a very useful LaTeX template for creating a lovely paper or report. I have included examples of including a URL and sample code. This is how easy it is to create a nice A4 template. server.tex1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13…

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Protecting your PC from harm via surge protectors.

Power Surges can be caused by many things, but they can have quite an effect on your computer hardware. The surges in current can damage your hardware and cause loss of data. The best defense against this threat is to have a surge protector plugged into the wall and this…

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Hardware support in Ubuntu really is very good.

I just installed a fingerprint reader in Ubuntu and after scanning my fingerprint into the system, I was able to login to Ubuntu using GMD3 and it works just fine. Access this by typing users in the Activities view to access the Users panel under Settings. Then enable the Fingerprint…

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Different types of networking attacks and techniques.

Footprinting Footprinting is defined as the process of gathering information on computer systems and networks. This is the first step in information gathering and provides a useful insight into the network you are planning to attack. Zero-day exploits These are exploits that are found before there are patches for these…

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Using the kill command on Linux.

Killing rogue programs in Linux The kill command included by default with the Linux suite of commands may be used to terminate a process by passing kill a process ID (PID). By default, kill just tells the process to die, but if the process has made previous arrangements with the…

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