Another very good way to parse an XML RSS feed to plain text.

This solution I found is a very good way to parse an XML RSS feed to plain text. This requires the XMLStarlet utility. On a Macbook it was installed easily. [ jason@$deusexmachina.local ] [ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 118-:$ ] -> brew install xmlstarlet ==> Downloading…

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Print the Bitcoin price with the terminal on Linux.

Printing the current Bitcoin price is very easy with Linux. There are many ways to do this. One way is with curl. Just use this command to get Bitcoin information. [ jason@$deusexmachina.local ] [ Jobs 0. PWD: ~/Documents/Trip. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 28-:$ ] -> curl -s _ _…

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Some very useful resources for classic Linux window managers.

There are a lot of classic Linux desktop environments that emulate the look of other desktop environments or are just very nice to use. Here are some good tips and resources for classic Linux window managers. WindowMaker is one classic desktop environment. This emulates the look of the NextStep operating…

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Some very useful tips when working with IP addresses on the Internet.

Get the IPv6 address of a website very easily with this simple one-liner. jason@. PWD: ~. -bash. 3.2.57. 29 $> host | awk ‘FNR==2 {print $5}’ 2404:6800:4006:811::200ejason@. PWD: ~. -bash. 3.2.57. 29 $> host | awk ‘FNR==2 {print $5}’ 2404:6800:4006:811::200e This works just fine to get the required…

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Interesting Linux command.

Interesting Linux command. This will give output rather like hacker-typer, this is printing the strace output of the ps aux command, this is very interesting to watch as the user can see what is actually happening when you are running this very useful one-liner. This prints quite pertinent output. strace…

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Why Linux is better than Windows at installing updates.

The Windows installation I have has been reverted back to Windows 7 from Windows 8 after using the Consumer Preview the impression I got from it shows that Microsoft will create another Windows Millennium Edition, it is better to use Windows 7 if you must use Windows at all. The…

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Using redirection on the UNIX command line.

Using redirection on the command line is very easy to do. The main strength of the UNIX command line is that you may output data from one command-line application to another. Here is one example. ls -hula | lessls -hula | less This is using the pipe character to pipe…

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How to add a new user on Linux and some other useful tips.

Adding a new user on Linux is very easy, this can be done with the groupadd and useradd commands. I am adding a new user group to Linux and then adding the new user to it. Firstly, add the new user group. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo groupadd -g 1001 cudauserjason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo groupadd…

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Linux needs more freedom of choice.

The Linux distributions that are released these days do not give you any choice in desktop environments compared to the old SUSE Linux distribution that came on a DVD image with a heap of different desktop environments to use whenever you desired. Sure, the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and its child…

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The future of the Linux desktop and a look back.

The year of the Linux desktop seems to be getting further and further away, the Linux/UNIX operating system is a super-secure alternative to the leaking and insecure Windows operating system. The powers that be want to make all computers an appliance instead of remaining a fully-fledged desktop workplace. Sure, the…

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How to make a spectrogram with FFmpeg on Linux. This is very cool.

Making a spectrogram with FFmpeg on Linux is very easy. The FFmpeg utility is the best way to accomplish this task. This simple command will render a spectrogram of the audio file. This can be very interesting if the music file contains hidden information in the audio. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Music/Rap] └─$…

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