Useful TOR hidden links for studying computer security.

Cryptoparty handbook. http://crypty22ijtotell.onion/handbook/index.html. A book about keeping safe online and maintaining anonymity if required. Soylent news. Slashdot styled news website. http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion/. NetSec WIKI page. http://netsec7moavvkprc.onion/Main_Page. My Secret World Tech blog. http://32avzir6unmcg2y2.onion/. Debconf Annual Debian conference website. http://gmi5gld3uk5ozvrv.onion/. CyberGuerrilla Anonymous Nexus. http://lu4qfnnkbnduxurt.onion/. Anynymous and secure communication options for the TOR network….

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Using Google Adsense to monetise your website.

If like me, you have a website and you are wanting to get more visitors and hopefully some more links back to your website, then read on. I use the Share-press plug-in for WordPress which will automatically share my posts with my Facebook page and it can also share with…

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