How to check image dimensions using the command-line on Linux.

It is very easy to check image dimensions using the command line. Install the exiv2 package and this allows easy retrieval of image information. Just like this. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Pictures/phone5] └─$ exiv2 ui_icon_equipment.png File name : ui_icon_equipment.png File size : 8626195 Bytes MIME type : image/png Image size : 4096 x…

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Useful VIM tips when using this editor on Linux.

Some very useful VIM tips when using this editor on Linux. When you open a folder instead of a file in VIM, you get a directory listing and this allows you to select a file. Just scroll down to the file you want to open and press ENTER. " ============================================================================…

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Recording from line-in with Audacity on Linux Mint 12.

I have my mobile telephone connected with a male-male 3.5mm cable to my computer and I wanted to record segments from the radio to the computer with Audacity. This is how I achieved that. And also configuring the alsamixer settings properly to enable the line-in port as the capture source…

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Obscure Linux bash shell tricks and tips.

Some useful Bash shell tricks There are a lot of obscure Bash shell tricks for the Linux shell that is useful for showing off shell tricks and making your shell usage easier. For a first example, run this command. ubuntu ~ $ ls -hulaubuntu ~ $ ls -hula Then run…

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How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the command line.

Pulseaudio can easily be controlled with the command line. The pactl utility is used to control the sound volume of a Pulseaudio sink. List all sinks with this command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinksjason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinks Then look through the list to see which is the device you wish to…

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How to push changes from a local project to a GitHub repository.

Updating an open-source project is very easy. This can be done just fine with the command line. In this example, I am listing the files in a repository. 4.4 Tue Jun 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ git ls-tree -r master –name-only LICENSE makefile src/iface.h src/strings.h src/sysinfo.cpp src/sysinfo.h system-info4.4 Tue Jun…

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How to use the command line to change GTK settings easily.

The settings used by the file chooser in MATE or Gnome can be changed easily with the command line. The gsettings utility makes this easy. This example will alter the Firefox file chooser, it will have directories listed first, in descending order, sorted by date modified. gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-column…

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How to create a bash alias that can take arguments.

This bash alias will take a directory name or path as an argument. alias goto=’cd $1’alias goto=’cd $1′ This is an example of how this alias works. jason@jason-desktop:~$ goto /usr/share jason@jason-desktop:/usr/share$jason@jason-desktop:~$ goto /usr/share jason@jason-desktop:/usr/share$ This is a very neat bash trick. This might not work if the directory name uses…

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