TRON Legacy GDM theme. A nice addition to any Linux computer.

TRON Legacy GDM theme: This will also work with MDM in Linux Mint 15. TRON Legacy Gnome Shell theme: This theme is very reminiscent of the theme that the computer uses in the movie. You need to install the User Themes extension to load this theme. TRON Legacy…

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Ubuntu Linux coming to the Google Android platform.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution is coming to the Google Android hardware platform. This means that the secure and open Linux operating system will be coming to the popular Android hardware. The Google Android operating system, although it is based on Linux, has been the subject of much controversy over the…

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Tron Legacy UNIX commands revisited. As seen in this posting above, the Tron Legacy movie used computers with a variant of the Solaris UNIX operating system. The ps -ef command works in the FreeBSD UNIX distribution, you need to mount procfs with this command: mount -t procfs proc /proc this will enable the proc…

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Tron Legacy UNIX desktop usage. In the Tron legacy film trailer at 1:12, you can see a terminal displaying the output of the top(1) command, a traditional UNIX command to display the list of running processes. It is funny that the machine is only showing 9 days of uptime though, it should be longer…

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