Very useful Macbook tips for a new user.

How to use home and end keysHow to take screenshotsGet information about installed appsMore keyboard key shortcuts How to use home and end keys To right-click on something, hold the control key and then click an item to get a right-click context menu. This is how you can customize Firefox…

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Set or change a passphrase for an OpenVPN server key.

This command will set a passphrase for the server pem file for OpenVPN on Linux. I setup a VPN configuration on Ubuntu and forgot to set the passphrase. This is how I managed to set one. ubuntu@ip-172-31-13-140:~$ sudo openssl rsa -des3 -in server-key.pem -out server2.pem Enter pass phrase for server-key.pem:…

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How to enter the product key in Windows server 2012 R2.

Entering the product key in server 2012 sometimes is fraught with frustration. You can try to enter it via the CMD command prompt with this command. PS C:\Users\Administrator> slmgr -ipk XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXPS C:\Users\Administrator> slmgr -ipk XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and you get an error. The best way is to use this command. PS C:\Users\Administrator>…

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How to encrypt a file with gpg on Linux and then decrypt it later.

The gpg utility for Linux is used to create public and private key pairs to encrypt files for secure transmission over the Internet. To initialize this utility; run this command. homer@deusexmachina ~ $ gpg –gen-key gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.14; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software: you…

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How to get to safe mode in Windows 8 Pro final release.

This is not really applicable to Linux, but I am running Windows 8 Pro dual booted with Linux Mint 14 and I encountered a bug that stopped Windows 8 from fully starting up. I found out that if you press the F5 key just after booting Windows 8 you will…

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Using the .inputrc file to control keybindings in xterm.

Using the .inputrc file to control keybindings in xterm. If you wish to control the key bindings for Backspace, Delete, Home & the End keys in Xterm then read on. The ~/.inputrc file in your home directory controls this behavior, using the defines in this file you may control the…

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