Linux 5.3 kernel on Ubuntu is very good.

I have just upgraded to a 5.3 kernel on Ubuntu, and it is very good to use. I tried the newest 4.15 kernel and my sound hardware was not detected, so I installed the 5.3 kernel instead. This is a great improvement. Removing the snapd service was a good way…

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Compiling and installing a 2.4 kernel on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge.

Compiling and Installing a 2.4 Kernel on Debian This is quite like the installation process for the 2.6 kernel. Just unpack the kernel sources to your home directory and cd to the directory and type make mrproper to make sure the source directory is clean. Then type make menuconfigmake menuconfig…

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Microsoft developing a custom Linux kernel to power azure.

Microsoft corporation is developing a custom Linux kernel, that is intended to power their Azure Sphere security framework. This is a great step for the software giant, that has formerly opposed free software and even Google. Now they are embracing Github and Linux. This is only a kernel; not an…

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How to build a 4.8.4 Linux kernel on Ubuntu 16.10.

To build the latest 4.8.4 Linux kernel on Ubuntu 16.10, you will only need the ncurses-dev and build-essential packages installed. Then we are ready to install a new Linux kernel. Download the latest Linux kernel tarball. jason$ wget$ wget And then unpack the Linux tarball that we have…

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How to build a 4.6 kernel on Ubuntu 16.04.

Firstly, download a kernel tarball from jason@jason-desktop:~$ wget –2016-03-29 10:22:34– Resolving (… Connecting to (||:443… connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: 89423304 (85M) [application/x-xz] Saving to: ‘linux-4.6-rc1.tar.xz’   linux-4.6-rc1.tar.xz 100%[======================================================================>] 85.28M 1.29MB/s in 66s   2016-03-29 10:23:54 (1.28 MB/s) – ‘linux-4.6-rc1.tar.xz’…

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Future of Linux looking brighter.

I am running Linux at the moment with a Geforce 740 and I have not installed the proprietary drivers at all. I am using the Nouveau drivers and my system is performing very quickly indeed. Previously, I had a Radeon HD6670 installed and the open-source drivers were used. And in…

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Just upgraded my Ubuntu 15.04 installation to kernel 4.0.

I have just upgraded my Linux installation to kernel 4.0. This new kernel brings me many benefits. One of those is that the radeon drivers finally work and I no longer need to install the kernel source and try and compile the ATI drivers that you download from the Internet….

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Compile a Linux kernel the Ubuntu way.

How to build a kernel on Linux from a vanilla tarball Further reading, how to compile a vanilla kernel on Debian Linux. This guide will really help out a Linux user to install a kernel from source.

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How to compile a 3.15 kernel on Linux the easy way using the command line.

Compiling a kernel on Linux is very easy using the command line. You may download the latest mainline kernel from This is 3.15. Extract the file using this command. tar -xvf linux-3.15.tar.xztar -xvf linux-3.15.tar.xz Clean the source tree using this command. make mrpropermake mrproper Then open the configuration menus…

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A look at Ubuntu 14.04 with the Trusty Tahr daily build.

The daily builds of the new Ubuntu 14.04 are out and they are very good as well. I have installed this over my buggy and useless 13.10 installation and this is working out very well. There are no bugs and everything so far is working a treat. The Unity desktop…

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