How to get WIFI information with the command line.

It is very easy to get information about wireless networks with the command line. This example uses iwlist to view the information we need. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID ESSID:"OPTUS58FFG69" ESSID:"TelstraD22F23" ESSID:"OPTUS58FFG69" ESSID:"TelstraD22F23" ESSID:"OPTUS_B8E926"jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID ESSID:"OPTUS58FFG69" ESSID:"TelstraD22F23" ESSID:"OPTUS58FFG69" ESSID:"TelstraD22F23" ESSID:"OPTUS_B8E926" This…

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