Get information about your network interface with Linux.

Linux has quite a few commands for finding out information about your network adapters. Below is an example. Using the ethtool command as root. homer@deusexmachina ~ $ sudo ethtool eth2 [sudo] password for homer: Settings for eth2: Supported ports: [ TP MII ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full…

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How to calculate an IP subnetwork with the sipcalc command.

The sipcalc command is very useful for calculating an IP subnet. This command shows the amount of hosts available for a given subnet. root@debian:/home/homer# sipcalc -[ipv4 :] – 0   [CIDR] Host address – Host address (decimal) – 3232261121 Host address (hex) – C0A86401 Network address -…

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How to get the geographical location of an IP address.

How to get the geographical location of an IP address. This simple command will get this for you. [jason@darknet:~] curl ; echo "" { "ip": "", "hostname": "No Hostname", "city": "", "region": "", "country": "TH", "loc": "13.7500,100.4667", "org": "AS9737 TOT Public Company Limited" }[jason@darknet:~] curl ; echo ""…

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Some more useful Linux commands that are very useful indeed.

Using the Linux last command to view re-boot history. C:\HOME\FLYNN\DOCUMENTS> last reboot reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Sat Aug 4 12:50 – 14:29 (01:39) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri Aug 3 21:11 – 21:16 (00:05) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri Aug 3 20:21 – 20:57 (00:36) reboot system boot 3.4.0-rc2-bejiit Fri…

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