Another way to get the actual IP address of your machine.

This is yet another way to get the actual IP address of your Linux machine on a LAN. This returns just the IP address of your Linux computer. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ ip a | awk ‘/inet / { print $2 }’ | sed -n 2p$ ip a | awk ‘/inet /…

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Simple Linux commands to get information from your system.

Get your Internet routable IP address with the command line. [jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo[jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo Get the startup time of your Linux PC with Systemd. [jason@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze Startup finished in 1.186s (kernel) + 9.653s (initrd) + 2min 37.144s (userspace) = 2min 47.984s[jason@localhost ~]$…

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How to get just the IP address of your Linux machine using curl.

To get just the IP address of your Internet facing Linux machine, use this command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl icanhazip.comjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl This will return just your IP address. This is another way to get this information. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ curl$ curl To get information about a DNS server, use the dig…

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Use the ip route command to create an ip route manually on Linux.

This command will add an IP route to the router using the wlan0 wireless interface card on my laptop. jason@darknet:~$ sudo ip route add 0/0 via dev wlan0jason@darknet:~$ sudo ip route add 0/0 via dev wlan0 This is part of the process of creating a network connection…

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How to use the ip command to bring down an interface on RHEL.

The ip command is a useful alternative to the ifconfig command and allows the user to manage network interfaces. This is a good way to use the command line to bring network interfaces up or down. In this example I am bringing the network interface down. [root@localhost jason]# ip link…

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More commands to get information about your network adapter.

There are a few commands available in Red Hat Linux to get information about your network adapter. Here are a couple. The ifstat command returns information about the network throughput of your adapter. [jason@darknet ~]$ ifstat #kernel Interface RX Pkts/Rate TX Pkts/Rate RX Data/Rate TX Data/Rate RX Errs/Drop TX Errs/Drop…

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How to set an IP address for a VLAN on a Cisco 2960G switch.

To set an IP address on a VLAN on a Cisco switch, firstly access the configuration section for the VLAN in configuration mode. arya(config)#interface vlan 1arya(config)#interface vlan 1 Then the administrator may set an IP address for the VLAN. arya(config-if)#ip address address Then you are all…

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How to scan a network for responsive hosts using Kali Linux.

To scan a network for hosts using Kali Linux, the netdiscover command will come in handy. Just give it an IP address and it will find all hosts within that range. I am scanning for all hosts within the range of to root@kali:~/Documents# netdiscover -r   Currently…

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Get the internet facing IP address of a Linux machine easily.

This simple command will print out the Internet facing IP address of a Linux machine in no time. curl This will return the useragent that is used to access this URL. ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0 Use this string to get all…

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Get information about your network connection with Linux.

This command will return only the IP address of the host. ubuntu ~ $ hostname -i ~ $ hostname -i Querying for all local IP addresses on the host. ubuntu ~ $ hostname -I ~ $ hostname -I This simple script will ping Google…

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Adding an IP address to the management interface for a Cisco switch.

Adding an IP address to the management interface of a Cisco switch allows connection over an Ethernet connection to manage the switch configuration. Firstly, switch to privileged exec mode. tyrion>en tyrion#tyrion>en tyrion# Then enter the configure terminal command to configure terminal settings. tyrion#configure terminaltyrion#configure terminal Now we are configuring settings…

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List all of your IP addresses using the ip command.

The ip command will list all of your ip addresses when combined with the grep command to look for all inet words. This is a very useful one-liner. ubuntu ~/Documents $ ip a | grep "inet " inet scope host lo inet brd scope global eth0 inet…

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Some very useful networking tricks for Linux/UNIX users.

Get your gateway IP address with curl on the command line. [homer@localhost ~]$ echo $(curl -# ######################################################################## 100.0%[homer@localhost ~]$ echo $(curl -# ######################################################################## 100.0% Another way to list the IP addresses of your network interfaces. Using the ip command. [homer@localhost ~]$ ip a | grep inet*…

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