Networking terms and their meanings.

Some common networking terms and their meanings. IPv4 – IP version 4: This is the current networking standard that defines an IP address with a 32-bit address composed of four octects. IPv6 – IP version 6: A newer standard of IP addressing that will replace the current IPv4. This uses…

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Liberal government to bring out an Internet filter if elected.

A Liberal National government in Australia would adopt the opt-out UK approach to filtering for all Australians. The policy comes less than 41 hours before polls open for voting in the federal election where the Coalition is currently expected to win. It is also almost a year after the Labour…

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Europe and Japan Aiming to Build 100Gbps Fibre Optic Internet.

The European Commission (EC) and Japan have announced the launch of six joint research projects, supported by £15.3m+ (€18m) in funding, that aim to build networks which are “5000 times faster than today’s average European broadband ISP speed (100Gbps compared to 19.7Mbps)“. Europe and Japan are both planning to deploy…

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The government PRISM system monitoring all Internet traffic in America.

The Obama administration have been caught in the PRISM spying scandal. This involves the National Security Agency spying on Americans using their text messages and Internet access records. Considering that the Google Chrome browser is sending information about your browsing history to Google, and the Patriot Act allows the United…

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Malcom Turnbull and his failure on the NBN.

Hack Tuesday April 9 2013: Listen to this recording of the ABC TripleJ radio show Hack and hear what Malcom Turnbull is planning if the Liberals get into power in 2013. A broadband network using copper wires instead of the Labour proposed fibre to the node that would use…

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ASIO wanting more powers for surveillance of Internet users.

The ASIO spy agency is asking Australian ISPs to log all the data that travels to and fro from a users computer. This would require an astronomical amount of storage space if this is to be taken literally. But they are just interested in fighting terrorism by monitoring all Internet…

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Internet censorship still on the cards.

The future of the Internet is still under threat even though the SOPA Internet censorship bill has been defeated in the Senate, this does not mean that we can afford to relax our guard just yet. Congress could wait for a slow news day and slip something under the radar…

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The possible future of the Internet under SOPA?

Is this the future of the Internet after the Stop Online Piracy Act comes into force? Users having to purchase a set package that includes access to a selection of websites and a 500 Megabyte cap with 2 Gigabytes added with each recharge. That would not last long if you…

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