Broadband in Australia is worse than Uganda.

The Australian Broadband Network is the envy of no one. This is terrible. Constant dropouts, and slow speeds are the norm in Australia. We could have had super fast Internet in Australia, but we got copper wires combined with some fiber connections. But the presence of a 1000 Mega Bits…

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More useful Internet searches for finding insecure websites. Google Dorks for 2019.

Find any Microsoft Frontpage website with the username and password exposed. This is amazingly stupid. intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users)intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) This is an example. # -FrontPage- therose:WK7JNgYcDkzac# -FrontPage- therose:WK7JNgYcDkzac A Similar search. This also finds websites…

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Security still forgotten on the Internet.

The concept of securing your website is forgotten on the modern Internet, there are still unsecured websites and half-completed Drupal installations littering the web. This must be taken care of. There are a huge number of SQL database dumps that have been saved in /backup/ folders exposed to the Internet,…

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Removing Network Manager from Ubuntu. I am sick of it.

I am finally sick of using Network Manager on Ubuntu 18. It seems to make my Internet connection slower and I am constantly messing around trying to fix it. I used the command below to remove the Network Manager service. 4.4 Fri Aug 31 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo apt-get remove…

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Fix very slow Internet on Ubuntu 18 easily.

My Internet connection in Ubuntu 18 was very slow compared to Windows 8.1. This is how I fixed it. Run this command to open the /etc/resolv.conf file for editing. If you do not have VIM installed, try nano instead. Or run sudo apt install vim-common. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $…

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How the Internet has changed in all this time.

The Internet in the early days was very different from the one we now use. The web browsers we used were very primitive and there was no real AdBlock in place, this meant that the web was full of pop-ups and pop-unders. The most malicious pop-up ads contained code to…

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Average Internet speeds in 1st quarter 2017.

Find more statistics at Statista This is the average of Internet speeds for the first quarter of 2017. Australia is lagging far behind other countries such as Asia. This is not good in 2017. Especially when the uptake of streaming services such as Netflix is rising. We need a faster…

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Internet security tips for staying safe online in a modern world.

Security tips for staying safe online—Start of medium level security——Measures that cost money——Start of physical access measures——Start of high level security——Start of deterrent measures—Further reading Security tips for staying safe online Level 1: Avoid using your real name online and avoid giving away any personal information. You can use The…

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Computing in the 1990s versus 2017.

Computing in the 1990`s was much different to the experience we have today. The software we used like Internet Explorer and Netscape was not very secure. Running Windows `95 or `98 did not give a great deal of security compared to a modern operating system. The Internet was the wild…

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Australian Internet is slower than Korea.

Updating the sources.lst as I write this, it is taking a long time, but I am using the Town Library connection with WIFI and it is only about 64K per second, so updating the aforementioned file with apt-get update takes quite a while to run. I wish Australia could get…

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New Sourceforge HTML5 speedtest works on any device.

There is a new speedtest website, hosted on Sourceforge this works without Flash or any other plugin. Very useful if you do not wish to install Adobe plugins just to test your Internet speed. The upload and download speeds are tested, as well as packet loss and latency, giving…

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How to get just the IP address of your Linux machine using curl.

To get just the IP address of your Internet facing Linux machine, use this command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl icanhazip.comjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl This will return just your IP address. This is another way to get this information. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ curl$ curl To get information about a DNS server, use the dig…

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Encryption under threat after latest Paris terror attacks.

The latest Paris terrorist attacks are the impetus for more discussion about encryption. It is claimed that the terrorists used services such as TOR or a VPN to hide their traffic on the Internet when discussing their plans before the attacks. This will of course lead to more plans to…

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Mandatory data retention laws passed the senate this week.

Mandatory data retention laws passed the senate this week. The premise is to fight against Islamic terrorist attacks by retention of ISP customer data. But this will not work out right from the start. ISP`s are confused by the 400 page document that outlines what they must retain, and they…

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How I got the Internet connection working in Ubuntu server 14.03.

I installed Ubuntu server 14.03 in a Virtual Machine and after installation the Internet connection was not working. To fix this I added the nameservers to the /etc/resolv.conf file like this. nameserver nameserver nameserver After saving this file, I ran this command. sudo service resolveconf restartsudo…

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Get the internet facing IP address of a Linux machine easily.

This simple command will print out the Internet facing IP address of a Linux machine in no time. curl This will return the useragent that is used to access this URL. ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0 Use this string to get all…

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