Windows 11 desktop is looking very nice. Rather like KDE 4.

This is the default Windows 11 desktop interface. This has a much lighter look than earlier Windows releases, they are going for a very bright and airy look. Contrasting with the dark look of Windows 10. I chose to install Windows 11 Pro and this will be fun to look…

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How to use the ip command to bring down an interface on RHEL.

The ip command is a useful alternative to the ifconfig command and allows the user to manage network interfaces. This is a good way to use the command line to bring network interfaces up or down. In this example I am bringing the network interface down. [root@localhost jason]# ip link…

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Cisco access control lists I have worked out.

Useful CISCO Access Control Lists These Cisco ACL`s are to block ICMP ping requests from a certain IP address. I developed these experimenting with GNS3. I had two Cisco 3750 routers in GNS3 and I added static IP addresses. for the R1 router and for R2. I then…

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Adding an IP address to the management interface for a Cisco switch.

Adding an IP address to the management interface of a Cisco switch allows connection over an Ethernet connection to manage the switch configuration. Firstly, switch to privileged exec mode. tyrion>en tyrion#tyrion>en tyrion# Then enter the configure terminal command to configure terminal settings. tyrion#configure terminaltyrion#configure terminal Now we are configuring settings…

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New Windows 8 interface and getting the start menu back.

This is what the new copy dialog looks like on Windows 8. The actual process of copying this amount of data over a USB 3.0 connection was actually very fast, the previous versions of Windows were slower at copying data, but now it is getting faster. And I was copying…

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New Ubuntu HUD to enable context search of menus.

This is a video showcasing the new HUD, or Heads Up Display that the Ubuntu developers have created. This requires the Unity desktop though… Instead of browsing the menus, you just type in the HUD that you bring down with the Alt key and this allows you to search the…

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Thoughts on the Ubuntu Unity design.

I have had a look at the newest version of the Ubuntu Unity interface and it is not the theme-able interface that the Gnome 2 and Xfce desktops are. When I had Gentoo installed with the Gnome 2 desktop, the GDM theme selector was enabled, allowing you to select any…

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