Why Linux is better than Windows at installing updates.

The Windows installation I have has been reverted back to Windows 7 from Windows 8 after using the Consumer Preview the impression I got from it shows that Microsoft will create another Windows Millennium Edition, it is better to use Windows 7 if you must use Windows at all. The…

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Installing wallpapers into the backgrounds folder in E17.

Installing wallpapers into the backgrounds folder in Enlightenment E17. Installing wallpapers with the E17 window manager is very easy, mostly like the older Enlightenment E16 window manager. You may either copy the wallpapers into the ~/.e/e/backgrounds/ folder or import them with the backgrounds settings dialog. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~/.e/e/backgrounds$ ls -hula total 43M…

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Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing.

Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing. The Firefox web browser truly is a very good and safe browser for everyday use, but with the addition of some extensions, the browsing experience can be made even more secure. Firstly, the Noscript extension is the best and most useful extension…

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Installing a nice console font in Ubuntu.

To install another cool console font in Ubuntu, install this package: fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console. These fonts are quite blocky, but they are something different if you wish to try another cool font for your Linux console. Type this command to install these very lovely fonts. sudo apt-get install fonts-ubuntu-font-family-consolesudo apt-get install fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console…

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Installing Enlightenment E17 on Debian Squeeze.

The Enlightenment E17 window manager is now available for the Debian testing distribution. This window manager is now easier to install now that you are not required to install it with a CVS or GIT repository or with other complex commands. This is what my /etc/apt/sources.lst looks like, I have…

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