How to install a program in Linux that comes as a tar.gz file.

Sometimes you will encounter a program that you have downloaded that comes as a compressed tar.gz file. This is a tar file that is compressed with the gzip program to compress the contents. This usually contains C or C++ source code and the requirements to easily compile the program. Firstly…

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Useful BIOS Setup simulator. This is a good learning tool.

BIOS Setup emulator: This is a BIOS Setup simulator. This runs as a HTML page and this is a very interesting diversion as well as a learning tool. The computers BIOS or Basic Input Output System is stored on a CMOS chip with the settings stored with the power…

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How to install Google Earth on Linux Mint 14 Nadia with the Google deb package.

I was trying to install the Google Earth 64bit *.deb package on Linux Mint 14 and I had some dependency errors. john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb [sudo] password for john: Selecting previously unselected package google-earth-stable. (Reading database … 282027 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking google-earth-stable (from google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb)…

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How to install a Debian *.deb file on Ubuntu and other useful Linux tips.

To install a Debian *.deb packages that you have downloaded, use this command. john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i rxvt_2.6.4-14_i386.debjohn@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i rxvt_2.6.4-14_i386.deb This will install the Debian package. john@adeptus-mechanicus ~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i rxvt_2.6.4-14_i386.deb [sudo] password for john: Selecting previously unselected package rxvt. (Reading database…

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How to watch Redbox and Netflix television shows and movies on Ubuntu with Wine. This posting on the OMG Ubuntu website explains in detail how to watch Netflix, Lovefilm and Redbox films and television shows with the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. This involves using a version of Wine to run the necessary software. You would think that this process would be easy on…

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How to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 in Ubuntu 12.10.

The Gnome Shell 3.6 builds are available for Ubuntu 12.10; but if you want to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 to test it out on your computer, then these commands will install it. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 #The GNOME3 team PPA</code>   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging #The GNOME3 staging…

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Installing KDE 4.9 in Linux Mint 14 the easy way.

I have just installed KDE 4.9 in Linux Mint 14 the easy way. Just type sudo apt-get install kde-full to install all of the packages in one go. Since I have my dual desktop configuration laid out in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file I had a properly working dual screen desktop as…

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Windows Powershell not as good as BASH shell and other thoughts.

It is really amazing that the new Windows Powershell is moving Windows Administrators back towards the command-line instead of using the GUI for everything. Powershell has some very good features; but the difficulty I have experienced installing extra cmdlets is very grating indeed. It is better to use the BASH…

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How to install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. This tutorial explains how to install the MATE desktop on Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10. This desktop is an amazing desktop if you are familiar with the Gnome 2.32.2 desktop that was used in previous releases of the Ubuntu distribution. As you can see in the shot to the right;…

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How to install and configure the Apache2 web server on Ubuntu 12.10.

The Apache2 web server is a very powerful and useful web server that is used to host websites all around the world. This is available for the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. To install this; type this command. sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 This command…

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How to install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

This sequence of commands will install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo add-apt-repository “deb quantal main” [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-core [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo…

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Installing GNU Grub 2.00 on Linux Mint 13 Maya.

The new GNU Grub 2.00 has just been released with all new features and here is how to install it. Firstly, download the tarball from this mailing list post. After unpacking the tarball, cd into the folder and type: ./configure –prefix=/usr./configure –prefix=/usr to run the configure script. You will…

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