How to get system information in Windows with CMD.

The systeminfo command for Windows allows a user to get comprehensive system information. The default usage outputs the most system information in one go. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clipC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clip This command will output the system information in CSV format. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSVC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSV Use the…

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Glances. A nice new networking script for Linux that runs on Python.

Glances is a very detailed script that will print out comprehensive information about your Linux workstation or server. To install the Glances script clone the git repository this way. jason@jason-desktop:~$ git clone Cloning into ‘glances’… remote: Counting objects: 13758, done. remote: Total 13758 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0),…

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Different ways to get user and system information on Linux.

The who command on Linux and UNIX systems will list all currently logged in users on your system. jason@darknet:~$ who -Htu NAME LINE TIME IDLE PID COMMENT jason :0 2016-02-13 13:43 ? 1895 (:0) jason tty2 2016-02-13 13:43 00:01 2164 jason pts/0 2016-02-13 13:43 . 2178 (:0.0)jason@darknet:~$ who -Htu NAME…

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Simple Linux commands to get information about your system.

This simple command will print the remaining free space on your hard disk. root@ip-172-31-20-16:~# df -Hla Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 32G 9.6G 21G 32% / proc 0 0 0 – /proc sysfs 0 0 0 – /sys none 4.1k 0 4.1k 0% /sys/fs/cgroup none 0 0…

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Useful Linux weblinks. Very interesting information. Debugging Under Unix: gdb Tutorial. Setting up the Metasploit framework in Kali Linux. Using the netdiscover command on Linux to scan for hosts on a network. Watch Netflix on Ubuntu with the Google Chrome browser and ditch Windows on your media center machine. How to…

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Get information about your network connection with Linux.

This command will return only the IP address of the host. ubuntu ~ $ hostname -i ~ $ hostname -i Querying for all local IP addresses on the host. ubuntu ~ $ hostname -I ~ $ hostname -I This simple script will ping Google…

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List all of your IP addresses using the ip command.

The ip command will list all of your ip addresses when combined with the grep command to look for all inet words. This is a very useful one-liner. ubuntu ~/Documents $ ip a | grep "inet " inet scope host lo inet brd scope global eth0 inet…

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How to get information about your Linux services with systemd.

The systemd init system may be used to get information about your running services. Here I am getting information about the openvpn service. jason@eyjafjallajkull:~$ systemctl -a status openvpn.service ● openvpn.service – LSB: Openvpn VPN service Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/openvpn) Active: active (running) since Mon 2015-04-13 14:57:18 AEST; 5h 2min ago Docs:…

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List hardware on your Linux system with some simple commands.

The lsdvb command will list all installed DVB hardware in your Linux system. Here it is showing my Realtek DVB stick. You need to use sudo to enable this command to gather more information. jason-H55-USB3 [lsdvb] ~/Documents jason-H55-USB3% sudo lsdvb   lsdvb: Simple utility to list PCI/PCIe DVB devices Version:…

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Some very useful networking tricks for Linux/UNIX users.

Get your gateway IP address with curl on the command line. [homer@localhost ~]$ echo $(curl -# ######################################################################## 100.0%[homer@localhost ~]$ echo $(curl -# ######################################################################## 100.0% Another way to list the IP addresses of your network interfaces. Using the ip command. [homer@localhost ~]$ ip a | grep inet*…

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Useful networking study resources for students.

Some useful networking resources. TCP and UDP reference. TCP/IP Ports listing. This is very useful for reference. Another TCP ports listing in HTML. An introduction to the OSI model and how the TCP/IP  Protocol works. A definition of common TCP/IP names. Intro to TCP/IP. TCP/IP…

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Useful commands for getting information about your computers memory status and hard drives.

This command used with grep will return information about your computers memory. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Total MemTotal: 12219468 kB SwapTotal: 70311928 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB HugePages_Total:…

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Viewing information about your user on Linux.

View information about your user on a Linux system The groups command displays the list of groups that your user is a member of. [neo@deusexmachina]:~> groups neo cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev bluetooth scanner netdev[neo@deusexmachina]:~> groups neo cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev bluetooth scanner netdev Using the id…

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Securing your Facebook profile.

These are the cookies stored on my machine that Facebook has stored on my computer without me knowing. This happens because a website has put the Facebook Like button on their page, then Facebook can track you and see what browsing you are doing after you leave your Facebook session….

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Useful *nix information and links.

Linux is not Windows. This is a very good web page that explains the fundamental differences between Windows and Linux. There are many fundamental changes you need to make when making the switch from Windows to a Linux machine, the major changes difference is that Linux is not as…

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