Get information about network connections with tcpdump on Linux.

Getting information about network connections with tcpdump is very easy. In the example below I am looking for connections to/from The result is I get information about the current SSH session on port 22. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ sudo tcpdump -i any -c5 -nn host tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v…

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Taking information security seriously in a modern age.

The world of information security has always been beset by various threats that have ranged from the simple viruses that were distributed on floppy disks, to the complex computer viruses that are distributed as E-mail borne attachments that can be opened by careless users. The need for better training for…

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Simple Windows system information program.

This is a very simple Windows System information program that will print some useful system information about the Windows system you are using. This might be very helpful if you are programming on Windows with Visual Studio. sysinfo.c1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13…

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Another way to get IP address information from the Netstat command.

Get IP address information using Netstat on Linux How to get IP address information using netcat and some other useful tips. user1@cloudshell:~$ netstat | awk ‘/tcp6/ { print $5 }’$ netstat | awk ‘/tcp6/ { print $5 }’ user1@cloudshell:~$ netstat | awk ‘/tcp6/ { print $5"…

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How to get computer information with Powershell on Windows 11.

Getting good hardware information is very useful on a Windows system, I will show some very useful one-liners for getting hardware information on Windows. This example gives information about the CPU cores and the other pertinent CPU information. PS C:\Users\Intel i5> Get-WmiObject –class Win32_processor | ft systemname,Name,DeviceID,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors   systemname Name…

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Another way to get useful hardware information with dmidecode on Arch Linux.

Getting useful hardware information is very important on a Linux system. With Arch Linux, this is quite simple. Install dmidecode. [root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode[root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode This will query sysfs to return hardware information. This command will print the model name of the computer`s motherboard. [root@darkstar Downloads]#…

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