How to get information about logins on your Linux system.

Reading information about logins on a Linux system is very useful when you are running a Linux machine. The last command will print information about the last logins on a Linux system. ubuntu ~ $ last ubuntu pts/0 ip-10-8-0-6.ap-s Sun Apr 19 10:25 still logged in   wtmp begins Sun…

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A useful script for gaining information about your Ethernet adapter.

This useful shell script will print information about your Ethernet or Wireless adapter. This is very useful for getting a lot of information at once. #!/bin/sh   DEV="eno16777736"   echo "Showing information for the active network interface: $DEV."   echo -e "-*- \e[1mGet timestamping information for your Ethernet device.\e[0m -*-"…

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Some useful Windows commands to use in the cmd window. Get information about your user.

This command lists the information about your user. C:\Users\homer>net user Administrator User name Administrator Full Name Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/domain User’s comment Country code 000 (System Default) Account active No Account expires Never   Password last set 11/2/2006 11:08:15 PM Password expires Never Password changeable 11/2/2006 11:08:15…

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Useful Macintosh OSX terminal commands to get information about your iMac.

The mount command shows information about your mounted partitions on your machine. iMac305:~ admin$ mount /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) map -fstab on /Network/Servers (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) /dev/disk0s3…

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Linux commands to find out hardware information.

Linux hardware information commands. There are many commands available for Linux that allow the user to get information about their hardware. Here is a handful of them. The lshw command is very useful for getting information about your installed hardware. ubuntu ~ $ sudo lshw -short H/W path Device Class…

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