How to check image dimensions using the command-line on Linux.

It is very easy to check image dimensions using the command line. Install the exiv2 package and this allows easy retrieval of image information. Just like this. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Pictures/phone5] └─$ exiv2 ui_icon_equipment.png File name : ui_icon_equipment.png File size : 8626195 Bytes MIME type : image/png Image size : 4096 x…

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How to generate a very nice colored desktop background with the command line.

The Linux command line is very useful and it can even generate you a nice wallpaper image using just the shell and ImageMagick. The example below will generate a 3440×1440 pixels wallpaper image using just the random data from /dev/urandom. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Documents] └──╼ $mx=320;my=256;head -c "$((3*mx*my))" /dev/urandom | convert -depth 8…

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Create a tiled image with ImageMagick on Linux.

Creating a tiled image on Linux with the command line is very easy to do. This command will take the pyramid.bmp file and tile it as a 3440×1440 widescreen image. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures/Windows/bitmaps] └──╼ $convert -size 3440×1440 tile:pyramid.bmp Tiles.jpg┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures/Windows/bitmaps] └──╼ $convert -size 3440×1440 tile:pyramid.bmp Tiles.jpg This example will create a massive 7680×2160…

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Image manipulation with the Linux shell.

Emulate a Polaroid photo with the imagemagik package on Linux. convert lifeinCanberra_bg.jpg -polaroid 0 house.jpgconvert lifeinCanberra_bg.jpg -polaroid 0 house.jpg This is the original image. And this is the image after manipulation. Double the size of an image, while retaining relatively good image quality. convert missile.jpg -magnify missilebig.jpgconvert missile.jpg -magnify…

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Linux and UNIX commands that are very useful.

To view the contents of an ISO image, the isoinfo command for Linux will come in very useful indeed. Just type isoinfo -f -i myiso.iso to view the contents of the ISO image as shown in this example. C:\MEDIA\ELEMENTS\FILES\ISOS> isoinfo -f -i linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-64bit.iso /BOOT /CASPER /EFI /ISOLINUX /MD5SUM.TXT;1 /PRESEED /_DISK…

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Create a video from one image and a wav file easily.

To create a video file from a wav, just use ffmpeg. This is how I created a 4k resolution video using just ffmpeg and an image file and audio wav I got off the Internet. Put both files into the same folder and then run this command. This will add…

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Mounting an ISO image with the command line and other useful commands.

Mounting an ISO image to a folder and accessing the contents of the image is very simple. Firstly we need to create a directory to mount the image to. |{/mnt/Elements/Files/ISOs}-{Fri Mar 22 23:52:17} -{john@adeptus-mechanicus } $ sudo mkdir /root/img [sudo] password for john:|{/mnt/Elements/Files/ISOs}-{Fri Mar 22 23:52:17} -{john@adeptus-mechanicus } $ sudo…

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