4chan depicted in a TV show, and they get it so wrong.

This is how 4chan is depicted in a television show, each post has the same post numbers for god`s sake. They cannot even get this right. But that is how this works in television shows. She posts a comment and then gets a reply immediately, as if it is a…

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House representative kills SOPA Internet Censorship bill.

The House of Representatives in the United States have killed the Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a great success in protecting the freedom and openness of the Internet. There have been many people attacking the Internet and even Google for copyright infringment. Rupert Murdoch was speaking out against Google…

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American people slowly dying.

No wonder that the Homeland is dying, slowly replaced with the new superpowers like China and India. The majority of television is dumbed down execrable pap like Jersey Shore and more and more reality shows than fleas on a heath-cropper. The television that I watched as a child was full…

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