Back up your home directory easily with this simple script.

Back up your home directory with this simple script. This will concatenate all of your files into one tar archive, then compress it into a gzipped file. Firstly, install the required applications. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz This is the backup script…

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Very useful Macbook tips for a new user.

How to use home and end keysHow to take screenshotsGet information about installed appsMore keyboard key shortcuts How to use home and end keys To right-click on something, hold the control key and then click an item to get a right-click context menu. This is how you can customize Firefox…

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Europe and Japan Aiming to Build 100Gbps Fibre Optic Internet.

The European Commission (EC) and Japan have announced the launch of six joint research projects, supported by £15.3m+ (€18m) in funding, that aim to build networks which are “5000 times faster than today’s average European broadband ISP speed (100Gbps compared to 19.7Mbps)“. Europe and Japan are both planning to deploy…

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Will Ubuntu become mainstream?

If the Ubuntu Linux distribution is a mainstream operating system, will it become so popular that it will become the operating system of choice for home theatre appliances and smart televisions as shown in the picture to the left? We can only hope. The Ubuntu distribution is planned as…

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Moving folders to your home directory.

I recently had to move some folders to my home directory on my Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 installation as the root user and I then had to change the ownership of the folders and the files within to my current user. For example, I copied the ~/.themes folder to my home…

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