The history of computers.

The history of computers goes back to ancient Greece, with the Ankithera machine that was an Astronomical calculator to compute the positions of the planets. More recently, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) of France invented the computing machine to perform various calculations which were followed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646…

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Add BASH styled line editing and persistent history to the CMD window.

This useful utility: Will allow persistent history and line editing in the Windows 10 CMD window. This makes the CMD session much more enjoyable to use. Press Alt-H in the CMD window to get help that shows the keyboard shortcuts for this addon. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10130] (c) 2015…

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Why Linux uses .dotfiles for hidden filenames.

The original UNIX programmers created a bug in the early UNIX code 40 years ago. This code had the side effect of making files starting with a dot hidden to the normal ls command. This was adopted as a ‘feature’. Nowadays, the dotfile is the standard way of hiding configuration…

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Customising Linux and Computing history.

The Linux distributions that are in common use all over the world have many advantages over the closed source operating systems such as Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the freedom to customize the distribution and create your own version of the distribution is the key strength of Linux. The Ubuntu…

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20 years of Linux, interview with Linus Torvalds.

There is a story over on Slashdot about the 20 year anniversary of the Linux operating system.  Linux has come a long way in the 20 year history and now it is a very robust and reliable operating system. Since Linus Torvalds needed a free version of the proprietary UNIX…

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