get comprehensive information about a hard disk with the Linux command line.

Getting a lot of useful information about a hard disk drive is easy with Linux. The smartmontools package contains utilities to retrieve a lot of very useful info. Firstly, install this package. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo apt install smartmontoolsjason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ sudo apt install smartmontools Then run the command with sudo to get info…

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How to get comprehensive information on HDD errors on Debian.

The smartmontools package for Debian allows the user to get comprehensive hard disk information. This is useful if the hard disk drive is behaving strangely. This might mean it is failing. Install the smartmontools package. root@neo:/home/jason# apt install smartmontoolsroot@neo:/home/jason# apt install smartmontools Now you may check your hard disk drive…

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How to format a new Linux partition with the command line.

This is how to format a hard disk partition that will hold data for your Linux system. The partition must be unmounted before formatting, but this is the ideal way to create a file-system on a new partition that has been created with fdisk. root@jason-desktop:~# mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4dev root@jason-desktop:~# mkfs.ext4…

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