Simple Linux commands to get information about your system.

This simple command will print the remaining free space on your hard disk. root@ip-172-31-20-16:~# df -Hla Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 32G 9.6G 21G 32% / proc 0 0 0 – /proc sysfs 0 0 0 – /sys none 4.1k 0 4.1k 0% /sys/fs/cgroup none 0 0…

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Get hardware information with the Linux command line on Debian.

The hwinfo command for Linux will allow the user to get hardware information from the command line. Type sudo apt-get install hwinfo to install this command. It will be installed in the /sbin directory and therefore, you will need superuser privileges to execute this command and get the hardware information….

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Get information about your computer hardware with Linux.

Get information about installed hardware with these commands This command will print the make and model of your motherboard. jason@eyjafjallajkull:~$ sudo dmidecode -t baseboard [sudo] password for jason: # dmidecode 2.12 SMBIOS 2.4 present.   Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 8 bytes Base Board Information Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd….

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List hardware on your Linux system with some simple commands.

The lsdvb command will list all installed DVB hardware in your Linux system. Here it is showing my Realtek DVB stick. You need to use sudo to enable this command to gather more information. jason-H55-USB3 [lsdvb] ~/Documents jason-H55-USB3% sudo lsdvb   lsdvb: Simple utility to list PCI/PCIe DVB devices Version:…

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Linux commands to find out hardware information.

Linux hardware information commands. There are many commands available for Linux that allow the user to get information about their hardware. Here is a handful of them. The lshw command is very useful for getting information about your installed hardware. ubuntu ~ $ sudo lshw -short H/W path Device Class…

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How to remove the ATI unsupported hardware watermark in Linux Mint 15.

The ATI “unsupported hardware” watermark is a very annoying sight in Linux Mint 15. Here is how to remove it. This tip is for anyone who has installed the ATI drivers by typing sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle. Firstly; download the ATI drivers from the website. Then move the…

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Dick Smith Electronics selling used hard drives as new. Ooops.

Dick Smith Electronics, a major Australian retailer have been accused of selling used and malware infected hard drives as new, endangering the computers owned by consumers. In one instance a preacher bought an external hard drive and when he plugged it in he was greeted by a pornographic video. You…

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Imported hardware/software in America infected with malware?

According to a Source in the Department of Homeland Security, many hardware components imported into the United States are infected with malware and spyware and pose a great risk to the health of any Windows computer they are plugged into. This is reported to have been carried out by unknown…

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